Tuesday, June 15, 2010

MMMMMMMMM Drugs how they can also be...

A healthful adjustment, you see after only just fifteen pills, a total of 150 MG. of Prednisone I appear to be so much less pained, and actually the pain has diminished to nearly zilch! Hooray!
Only a few subtle problems remain of course anyone following along with this Blog would know that a year ago last April I had a diabetes scare which had been monitored for over a year since it was necessary while on those high IV doses of 1000 MG the Solu-Medrol for three days while hospitalized and insulin had to be administered.
And so after it, it was suggested I may have latent tendencies towards diabetes type two, (So glad I quit smoking nearly four years ago, July 11th it will be four whole years, hooray, not to mention all the meds that helped for me to now become obese!) and that I should monitor it. And now on this much lesser dose I began again to test.
Before I had my first dose it was at 111, and after it, it jumped to 200, but then when I went into our pool today and did walk without fear of falling, water you know, since it’s too soon to actually continue my ROM program yet, and my glucose level went down to 155!
See, exercise is the answer!

Now for the other problem although I seem to be better; last night but I was unable to sleep since it, the pred has that affect on me. It was close to four A.M. before I hit the sheets. Those three days in the hospital I was virtually an insomniac and got no sleep at all!
Foolishly, they gave me caffeinated green tea but I did not realize it I thought all green tea was naturally decaffeinated, my fault for assuming, caffeine and prednisone do NOT mix folks at least not for me! Their cafeteria nutritionist actually came to my room to apologize.
Today I took the medication before nine as recommended and didn’t even have my only cup of coffee for the day! By my first break from the pool I wanted one, afterall it was eleven A.M., and so Hubby was kind enough to indulge me, just that one. Wish me luck with the sleep thing tonight!

Today I took a silly begging move by asking people on Face book to follow this Blog. I think it stems from me reading someone else’s by accident I was trying to find out more about my prednisone, and this one just popped up in the search, it also had this pink theme I guess that is why I was so intrigued, mind you this was in those wee hours of the morning that I was dealing with my insomnia. And I became slightly jealous since this other pink-paged copycat had thirty-three people who felt the goodness in their hearts to admit that they read her Blog and were HER FOLLOWERS!…My green-eyed monster went berserk, not really, but I wondered what I must be doing wrong for people not to want to admit they occasionally read mine?
Any-who we all know I do on occasion give you all too much information, but that’s me.
At nearly sixty, did I say that?
Yep, soon!
It’s hard for a person to change that nature.

On that note of again TMI I will wish you to all have a very good night and to all count those blessings and we will too!

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Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought...

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought... :   ...I had tPA, which is the older medication they used.. .tPA (Tis...