Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to March peeps!

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb?
Sure hope so.
It’s an idiom you know?
I am speaking about the above theory about March; which is an idiom that is a cultural/regional or artistic manner of speech.
Whew, that’s a mouthful, you know?
I hope that was as plain as day, more like mud… you say!

Today was the day that Hubby decided to make the exterior trees and shrubs pay for their freezing into the uglies, and he tortured them to become presentable once more by severe pruning of their dead heads and twiggy protruding spindly wooden bare grotesque branches.
Got that?
Now, I was sort of like the quarterback in the game, and perhaps with an injury, but from the sidelines, since I couldn’t really get into the game, but I was able to call the plays suitably from there.
Hubby, seemed to really want my input, and so I did do my best judgmental determinations of what should stay and what should go… flora wise…
And I must admit it looks quite a bit better but there is still much more to go…yep go.
Some from that ungodly weather of cold, and dare I say freeze are renewing all by themselves but others are looking a bit more than a little bit dead?
The Princess Bride circa 1987 comes to mind with that line of Billy Crystals'.
Hopefully they are just that…only a little bit dead; time will tell.
I figure by hurricane season we should know for sure, buda, dum, dum.
Some of the palms have yellow fronds but have perked up so there’s the rub, a little dead seems to be an appropriate diagnosis.

My Hubby did an experiment and it worked.
Dinner was a trial by fire, actually electric … what Hubby did is he tried to duplicate the recipe of one of the oldest fast food restaurants (of 88 years), their comfort food burgers.
You know the one with the royal home as their logo and their buildings are also in that shape of where the royals roam.
Anywho, I must admit that his steaming of the little meaty gems with also chopping away those little tiny onions in the food processor and steaming them as well; did work!
The proper combination of pickles and cheese, mustard and ketchup with the tiny buns were too good to be true. You see we don’t have this chain anywhere around here.
But they were a fond memory from our childhoods.
Previously they were only to be had frozen in the warehouse stores, but now we have some more freshly made ones in our own freezer made by Hubby’s own hands!
The secret is still pretty much safe but if I told you a rolling pin was used in the process would that be cheating?
That’s all folks!

I miss those days that we both enjoyed figuring out recipes from restaurants we took pleasure in and on occasion improved upon them to make them at home.
Although, at this point in time of my life I do so prefer going out to be waited on, and kick back without worry of mess up or cleanup, just get up and go home and see my kitchen as I left it; all clean and neat. But wait Hubby did that; but I did make the sides though and cleaned all the dishes in the sink that were there when I had finished…Hubby finished up his; team work is good too!

On that pleasant thought I will wish you all a good night and to all count those blessings and we will too!

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