Sunday, August 30, 2009

Organizing, and peace and quiet for most of the day

Did any of you ever buy any of those “As seen on TV” products?
Well, we haven’t before that I can remember anyway, but that doesn’t mean that we didn’t. The other day we went to that bath etc store, you all know the one, that sends out those coupons nearly monthly for everything being 20% off, and I noticed that they did carry quite a few of those as seen items.
What interested me the most though was the large plastic bags that you can take the air out of with the vacuum, and they shrink to a flattened neater organized manageable item that is easier to store, and the other item that interested me was those hangers that you hang straight across then you fill the holes in it with your hangers, enough for five pieces of clothing on each and then you release the one end which falls and opens up the space to give you additional room in the closet; we bought both with our 20% off coupons about a week ago.
Today, we attacked the guestroom closet that had extra linens, pillows and bedding taking up two very generous shelves above the clothing pole which is below with winter coats we rarely use.
We also had a small useless color TV that is not digital therefore will not work anymore, and our clothing steaming machine stored on the floor taking up space that could be put to better use.
The plastic bags which came as a set of six neatly tackled the bulging linens which included extra towels now all are on the top shelf with room for more if we so desire. The small TV is now on the second shelf alongside of our cat carrier, which also appears less cluttered. Below we used those space making hangers, we used two from the eight-pack in that closet and they did that job too! This was a great together project indoors, in the air, out of the heat.
Then hubby used his three, we split the other six in half, but I suppose you figured that out, and oddly enough his didn’t seem to have as big an impact as the others in the guest closet; and mine have yet to be used since the whole thing pretty much exhausted me.
Several years ago when hubby went away on a trip for business I had put closet organizers in both our adjoining closets, free standing shelves and shoe holders as well as meticulously weeding out our unnecessary clothing, and it all looked great and did last for years but now things have changed for some reason they have gotten messy in my opinion so we needed to do something, and this was the perfect low budget idea, I thought. But that was then and this is now, and my energy isn’t anything like it was when I was that gym rat in fairly good shape.
I do know that slow and steady wins the race.

Feeling accomplished even with silly unimportant but tangible things is just what the doctor ordered…it felt good to be productive, and to see the results.

Good night to all and to take care be safe and count your blessings while I try and find as many of mine as I can, OK?

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