Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Did you all know that it was John Adams idea to shoot off fireworks on the Fourth of July?
For more details on this go to:

I thought that was interesting, any-who I really do know that you all know why we celebrate this date so I didn’t want to be accused of talking down to my readership…but for the children still learning about American history I will be brief….It’s three days after my birthday! No, that’s too silly! Simply it is the day that we, the colonists declared our independence from our motherland, England after the Revolutionary War; 233 years ago, for more information go to:

When stated like that it just sounds like we grew up, and declared we were now independent; the adults. But as we adults all know there was so much more to that process, and so I recommend all the youngsters read about how it came into being, and the above link will help with that.

Our day has been quiet since we stayed home, but if we so desire we can see the fireworks from our dock right here in our own backyard. We did barbeque, but not the expected fair; no hotdogs or hamburgers here, ours was more grown up with a small steak shared, a few shrimp, about a dozen also shared, gourmet spiced corn on the cob, and steamed asparagus as well on the barbecue, mmm… so good!
Our flags in our front and backyards have been waving all day long, which to me gives it a festive feel. Driving anywhere, as I stated yesterday is best not done. So safe and quiet we will probably watch the TV fireworks since I am limited to my ability to get down to our dock, and Skipper is not great with all that noise.

I know you are saying… whoa boring person here! Sorry, I am truthful, and the fireworks start at 9:15 P.M. and I get up around six A.M., so I suspect I may wind down into bed around about then…whoa! So extremely boring and dull too!
Well, yep I guess so…being married since the age of 20, + seven months years old; I was never much of a party girl anyway, so I guess you don’t miss what you never really had.

Do you ever think that you see yourself differently than others see you? Something to ponder…the only interesting thing that happened today was me honing my deductive reasoning skills…I asked a question after I found the answer to it, but then had it verified by the relative of the person it was about…now that I bet is as clear as mud, huh?
It was meant to be, ha!

Not so boring after all, fooled you!

Changing up how we attack things, whether tangible figurative or literal makes life unpredictable and at times just the little bit of excitement we all need to keep things interesting.

And on that note, I will wish you all a happy, safe Fourth of July, and a pleasant rest of the evening, and remind you all to count those blessing and I will too!

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