Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tonight I fess up

I have decided I will correct a mistake I made a few days ago.
Actually, a misinterpretation of what was going on across the street from my home.
Apparently, we thought that the presence of a deputy with official papers walking to the door of the home across the street was delivering eviction papers, but we were wrong, since there are people still in that house right now. We have since been told it was a complaint by the renters about the owner threatening them.
We also saw what looked like the water company turning off the water and leaving that door-knob hanging down notice on their front door, but how could anyone live without water for this long? Again we are confused, but do not know that answer yet.

Anyway, we are apparently victims of nosey neighbor syndrome with a fairly large dose of I know not what is in reality of what goes on here busybody disorder with too much time on our hands dilemma, there or anywhere, but occasionally we have a handle on what transpires here, mostly.
Oh well, sometimes ignorance can be bliss, I do not believe that at all.
Curious minds need to know.

With that said, let’s move on to what’s of major importance the tub tiles surround.
And I am pleased to announce that the project my hubby has undertaken is moving right along. Tiling on the back wall is nearly complete. The best part about being retired; my husband reminds me no time restraints. So now that he is challenged physically that is not an issue since he doesn’t have to rush to complete the job, and he doesn’t charge by the hour or overtime either, has no deadline and doesn’t have to payback for non completion on time issues either, bud-ump bump, a joke everybody!
You do know you can incorporate that into contracts; that is if the person you hire to do the job has to pay you back for every day that they go over?
We did that when we had our large pool installed on the other coast; for each day they went over they took $100 off of our bill.
A win, win solution to prevent procrastination, but nothing works with dishonest contractors, except checking all their credentials upfront before any money changes hands, make sure that they are licensed and insured too!
We were happy for the heads up since when we first moved here we had been vocally made aware of the manna attitude with service people, and that is also one of the reasons we wanted to move here that laid back attitude like in the islands, but it takes awhile to get used to after living in that northeastern rat race. I can remember one incident when we had been in the state just a few weeks and we were on the 10 items or less line at the grocery and it was a bit backed-up, the line was winding around a corner, everyone’s anxious nerves were fraying, my husband looked at me and I looked at him and said remember why we moved here the slower pace. Somedays I wish it was still like that, but it does seem that as more northerners and the like transplanted we infiltrated the job market and created a different high octane antsy movement to get it done.
All kidding aside I was an employer and had to hire people for a few years a while back, and to be honest I preferred the edgy workers with the good work ethic to get the job done, better than it will get done whenever mantra ones.

Prolific-I-city continues, and I must apologize, but why?
When I started this Blog way back on June 25th of this past year little did I realize that even when I thought I would not know what to write I could and would, and I do, don't I?
The best part of all of this is that anyone can read this or not if they so desire.

So I will send myself on my way and say good night to all and to all stay bundled up; I hear we are all going to be a part of the BIG CHILL.

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Speaking My Mind: Interesting turn of events!

Speaking My Mind: Interesting turn of events! :   It turns out that I do not need anyone to take care of my pressure ulcer of the sacral reg...