Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Imagine you are burning, but not really

That is having a sensation of burning; no stinging, maybe that is a better idea of how that would feel.
Now imagine you have no way to make that feeling stop and it is all over your body, and your numbness is in your extremities and it is nearly constant and only desists when the muscle spasms begin. Not being able to walk due to balance and bone on bone indecencies.
Your ability to hang onto things in your hands is a fifty/ fifty chance at best, and you are constantly causing small disasters around your home; you are a bull in a china shop daily.
Think that you are now in the twilight zone of life.
Things that once were real are now just a figment of your current reality that once was true; what was is no longer the norm.
Your life is contrite and simple, so simple that you are unable to have to make any actual decisions during your day in your daily life.
The most important one you may have challenging you, is when to get up to relive you bladder or wipe your snifflie nose.
All the time you have on your hands makes you angry, bitter and slowly unreliable to speak with anyone on any intellectual or civil level.
Since now your concentration ability has made you incapable of following a story line in a book or to even understand the TV.

Then pretend that when you wake up your life will go back to what used to be your norm, when you really had a life.
A mind that was full of ideas and capable of decision making and helping others.
You could walk fast in a room without breaking anything and under your own power without a cane or walker to right you in your stance.
Your body was lithe and did whatever you’re determined it to do without thought or cue.
You had a job that challenged you in all ways including mind and body, and you were a burden to no one.

Life is rude at times and we all have our crosses to bear some more than most if you are lucky to live long enough.
So stop complaining is the only answer to these slight annoyances that could be so much worse than they are.
Do something positive to change your way of thinking; count to ten before frustration causes outbursts.
Try harder to be more of a symbol of perseverance that you profess to have inborn in you.
Count your blessings of what is right in your life.
Some one other than you has so many more difficulties; realize that we all have to conquer some type of monsters.

Good night to all and to all be happy with what you do have!

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