Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I passed another milestone with this Blog, but apparently wasn't paying attention!

The other night was my 175th Blogger day of doing my Blog! I guess I forgot to mention how truly surprised I am that I stuck with this form of self counseling. If you write it down sometimes it doesn’t seem so bad.
Amazing realization to me and did you also know that I have actually over 220 pages of this drivel?
My bad this is my ‘Soap Box’ for my emotions and heartfelt thoughts.
It has become my outlet for self expression, and helps in dire times to allow me that luxury of blatantly complaining to anyone and everyone who cares to listen without getting any critical feedback!

Again Florida’s weather is the best in the country; no kidding, come on down!
We had mid eighties degrees and low in the 40% humidity.

I have definitely made a connection between my cane usage and my shoulder pain, and so while at home I am trying to hold on to inanimate household objects within reach instead of using one of my fashion statement decorative canes. By doing this I have decreased my pain in my shoulders by extraordinary bounds. If I knew for sure that I wouldn’t fall I would be confident to try it outside, not much too secure out there to hold on to, but alas my balance from the Ataxia is still debilitating to the point when I turn too suddenly even with a cane in hand I have nearly fallen, and with my lousy bones and weight issues that could be possibly devastatingly damaging.

Filed under: Of course we knew that: President elect Barack Obama has been named Time Magazine’s person of the year.

Filed under: Not too surprised: Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg at age 51 has decided to join the family business and threw her hat into the ring to become the next Senator from New York. I guess she finally realized those law degrees were something she could use to do more with than just her charity, wifely stuff and mothering with; I say good for her!

Filed under: Shame on you: Bernard Madoff scammer BIG TIME had the chutzpa to steal 50B from his fellow Jews and their charities, what a nice guy! Spielberg is one of the most famous victims on his list of destruction of futures for charities and for retirement funds by a Ponzi scheme!
Charles Ponzi: was one of the biggest swindlers in American history and he arrived in the US in 1903 from Lugo Italy, and begun his pyramid like schemes which he eventually stole millions. He moved to Montreal in 1907 where he continued his schemes.

Filed under: Beyond bizarre and hideous: A three year old child in Pennsylvania is named horrendously, Adolf Hitler! What were those parents thinking? Crazy and just plain bad taste!

Good night to all and to all try and get some rest everyday seems to be another big adventure!

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought...

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought... :   ...I had tPA, which is the older medication they used.. .tPA (Tis...