Friday, November 28, 2008

You gotta love them

The holidays, that is, relatives too, and of course friends that fill that void with or without relatives nearby.
Now pets are in a whole different arena; mostly I can take them any time of the day or night.
So here we on another major holiday season, so far so good.
Sadly the economy has made most of us realize that celebrating this year will have to be a challenge to adjust to what is really important.
I suspect our greed will get to most of us with all those sales making everything more agreeable price wise, but it is a double edged sword.
Logically, spending helps our economy, feels great finding that special item in your search for that loved ones gift and it also secures the jobs of those people servicing your needs.
But, unfortunately it does not take into account the afterward… the bills.
Now if you paid cash and made sure you knew where each and every dollar went then you are in good shape.
But if you went out and charged away without thought then uh oh… watch out come this January when those bills start coming due.
Paying cash or just keeping track of what you spend would be the happy medium to this season, have fun but realize we must be obligated to pay our own way up front not down the road a piece.
And we should realize that what we do from now on will be the path that future generations will follow.
No more instant gratification!
We must tighten our belts to live within our means.
Oh what a concept you say… it’s the way our parents and grandparents and maybe some of your great grandparents lived forever.
Until they decided that we, their offspring, should have more, better and everything that they had not been able to have for themselves, and so here we are the spoiled brat generation who took up entitlement and ran with that ball and many were living beyond their means.
Hmm now we should try a reversal of misfortune by living below our means and put something away for a rainy day.
It can be done.
Pay yourself first, $50 here, $100 there…hide it from yourself so you can’t spend it.
Get those old coin jars out and start with those, if you can’t put more than pennies away; change adds up.
We have a few, what really helps is taking cash when you shop then you do get the change to put in those jars.
I found that saving has been an asset to paying those increased insurance rates or taxes you weren’t expecting or unexpected company coming for their additional meals, etc.

Most have been cutting back on utility bills, phone and cable, which you know we don’t have, but we all can think of ways to save, and in the long run have more for fun not just bill surprises?

Mumbai, India horribly reports over 100 dying from the horrors of those awful attacks including 5 Americans.

The shuttle will be landing back home on Sunday,and we should feel and hear the sonic booms as always. Hope they beat the rain we are expecting.

Interestingly 17 Cuban refugees landed on Boca Grande in the wee hours of Thursday morning, which is an island not far from here, and the craziest part about this is that their families were expecting them!

Good night to all and to all I wish all our economic woes will go.

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