Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hold the presses my cousin broke her leg and had to have surgery!

My cousin W. called earlier this evening to let me know that his lovely precious talented wife, Y., fell in her art class so severely that she had a compound fracture, and had to have emergency surgery to put pins into her leg to hold the bones together. Shocker, but she is resting comfortably, and when I just called the hospital she was having her dinner, a good sign. Have to get more details from her.

These are my cousins that were teachers in NJ and that retired here to Florida about 8 years ago. Together they taught over 60 years.

And I am slightly behind schedule on my Blog, because I have been searching the net to try to find just the right gift to cheer her up. Something to make her laugh, she’s not a flower type person, she loves art and fashion that I do know. I will have to think on that one.
My husband said we will look for something in the morning since we decided we will visit her there.

Different topic: Rescue and lipstick what do they have in common?
Well… lipstick on a pig doesn’t change the fact it’s still a pig, and now we are going to rescue Wall Street; RESCUE is the new name for the market bailout, but isn’t it still a bailout?
Anyway, all day people have been hoping things would not get any worse, and as far as the market goes it only went down a meager 19+ points today and that is not too bad considering its previous days this week.

Walked this morning, and was happy to say that it was totally uneventful.
Unfortunately, I’m still just doing a half an hour but that gives me plenty of room for improvement.
Barring any weather related issues I should be on my merry way again tomorrow.
I’ve managed to walk four days this week already.
My doctor’s appointment has been postponed until Friday that's just as well since tomorrow we hope to visit Y. in the hospital.

Good night to all and to all watch your step!

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