Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Days Are Here Again? (depression song) And why we don't celebrate Halloween for now

The Market went up again nearly 190 points!
Gas, locally is down to $2.37 a gallon!
Are these small miracles or temporary fixes?
Who knows… all I know for sure is that more people have gone to the unemployment lines over the last few months than ever before; nearly another half million, not good at all.

This might sound like greed too, but believe me it is only me trying hard to practice good healthy measures, and save some money too.
Topic: Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of childhood and young motherhood.
Choosing those costumes and makeup, boy what fun in the 1950's. We always had the best makeup in my neighborhood with half of the Broadway performers living there, and willing to help with the ideas and application of the greasepaint. Candy was great too, diversified, abundant and without any fears of razor blades, glass or even obesity.
Those were the days.
Our sons also had a great Halloween experience with my making of homemade costumes from Peter Pan on my eldest at 15 months old, when he won the prize at our townhouse condos clubhouse his first Halloween. Over the years our boys were scarecrows, robots; you get the idea, all fun to make and they enjoyed it all, and won competitions too.
But this was the 1970's and then soon horrors started with razor blades in the candy, placed there by demented sickos, but then we would have the children hand the candy over to their parents to check, no more snacking as you trick or treated. It was much later that the hospitals got involved with X-raying the candy; how truly sad it had to come to that.
But none of this has anything to do with us not celebrating today.
It all started with our dogs creating havoc every time the doorbell would ring so I wrote a cute little poem about having fun and please will you take just one with a bowl left on a stool at the front door.
I would buy like five large bags of candy a year and we would get about 25 kids, and this is when our sons were grown and gone; this went on for quite a few years.
About two years ago I had filled my bowl as usual and within an hour it was emptied!
We found out that one of our neighbor’s son felt it was a great idea to empty it all, and so he took the joy of the day away.
That and the fact that I put on this ton of weight made me get tough and save money at the same time no longer putting any candy out.
Sadly we used to have great decorations with Styrofoam headstones, all over our lawn; that my husband made with clever sayings.
And so tomorrow night with only one dog who also does create havoc when someone visits there will be no decorations, no light on and no candy, sorry!
That child has since moved, and my weight has escalated so I think sadly it is with a heavy heart and many other heavy body parts I will say goodbye to Halloween for now.
Who knows someday I could be thin again and hopefully a grandma and then I will be hard pressed not to bring that joy back that is a very fond memory.

Good night to all and to all BOO!

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