We were dwelling here in Florida! Had been since 1986 from NJ!
At the time south Jersey, Lacey Township is where we moved from...an hour outside of Manhatten and outside of Philly. But grew up 15 minutes from the George Washington Bridge in NYC, where we both commuted to college.
Hubby was a fire chief then and would have been easily ready to help on that horrific day! When it happened, he was a Deputy here in Charlotte County.
As it was we were not different from others while watching that morning news not realizing what was going on, and thinking the first plane was a small private one off course by accident!
But when it hit the first tower the right actual happening hit like smack to wake us up! That it had been a passenger jet and that two other full-size planes were doing similar disasters in Pennsylvania and D.C.!
To say we were glued to the TV would be a vast understatement we learned what was going on in real-time like the on-air journalists did on the morning of September 11, 2001! I was still recuperating from my first hand surgery, on my left, which I had in August.
Now that I look back yearly and hear those horrible stories of the survivors who have been picked off slowly by devastating cancers caused by the fuel that the planes left behind and the heroes who saved so many had to get through the building's innards to save...! I think I selfishly think and Thank G-D that we were here or Hubby could have died a more typical 9/11 death years ago or more slowly in pain for years and years due to his desire to save lives that I do love about him! Yes, Hubby indeed has 3 types of cancer, not due to 9/11, but they are all in remission right now... lung, prostate, and skin. With 33 rounds of radiation, five for the lung and 28 for the prostate, and Mohs surgery for his skin cancer he is doing good. With his continuing medications daily for the rest of his life!
So that is where my mind goes with 9/11 and then directly or indirectly hearing of people we knew either dying on that fateful day or since....!
Forgive me for not discussing this then, please...!
In closing and importance...
Obamas endorse Harris' presidential bid (yahoo.com)
Allow me to introduce you to the crew...
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