Thursday, September 3, 2020

We are always in flux in life especially in this pseudo normalcy world by this pseudo normalcy gal!

And why do I say that one might ask? Flux defined as "flux


  • 1.the action or process of flowing or flowing out:"the flux of men and women moving back and forth"
  • 2.abnormal discharge of blood or other matter from or within the body.
  • 1.treat (a metal object) with a flux to promote melting.
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries"

 The first definition is referring to the human concept, and that is the one that is most notable with life and all that happens in it. For as human beings our lives are forever changing and once we realize that it makes it easier to understand the ebbs and flows from outside interference or perhaps just let's say life itself!

Motion and emotion are tantalizing efforts of everyday considerations on dealing with those changes. So it would be fair to characterize most life experiences as unique only to us. 
Theoretically, everything has happened before.
But newness is good and fun and whatever you want it to be!
The expression, " Go with the flow," explains it all!
"Time conquers all", another oldie but a goodie!
Flux-worthy words to live by.

That said, Hubby had an experience at our favorite grocery today Publix, there they always offer to help you out with your groceries. Well this fellow who is a bagger there and not much different in age than us... has always been very friendly and continued to ask Hubby if he needed or wanted any help to the car with his groceries and Hubby said no, but he grabbed the shopping cart anyway. Publix policy is the same as the CDC masks and social distancing always even outside, but this man took off his mask outside and stayed close to Hubby a shopping cart width apart to the car so I was told and it has happened before. He also mentioned that he does not believe in masks that is why he removes his as soon as he gets outside! He knows Hubby has me with all these health issues at home beside us all being senior citizens, but no matter what Hubby said to the man he would not back off, and so when Hubby returned home today he notified the store manager that perhaps this employee needed a refresher course on how to keep customers and himself safe!!!
It had happened once too often sorry!
And I agreed with Hubby.

Today, after having canceled my mammogram twice since the PANDEMIC started I made another appointment today for next week. It had been the first time in thirty-five years that I had missed it. My Mom had had breast cancer and I had had four lumpectomy biopsies thankfully all benign!
So that was my rationale for canceling during the virus, but somehow I felt in my inner voice I should get it over with to know for sure! I go for the 3D these last several years it has been available and has less false positives! 

Moving on to fair sunrises, wows!

And now from this the venue of my additional opinions...

And now without any further ado moving on again to...


VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala!
What a great team! THE WINNING TEAM!!!

Sanity runs in their families, and kindness, and smarts! Plenty of experience too! Did I mention EXPERIENCE! And level headed clear thinking!

And so we must go...

Be smart and be safe! 
Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
Take it, Bella! ( I am a Maltese Yorkie, a Morkie, and I might be four years old! We are all rescues so no one knows for sure.)I did this so I will be.

Aussie shut it down!

(I am an Australian Shepherd, an interesting factoid I was supposed to be a miniature you might know I AM NOT! But I am now over two and a half years old, so I am the baby HA! I was three months old when Mommy and Daddy adopted me.)

No tail/tale publishing circa 2018.

Don't forget us too! 

Easy as Aussie, Bella, Chance, now you got it!
And me Chance, I am a Bichon Frise mix, first I thought Maltese but now I am considering poodle? I am pictured here with Mom and Dad at the Port Charlotte Animal Welfare League! I am five years old they think.

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