Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Went to see the vampire today...

Stealing my ruby gold fluid and as well as my golden fluid for closer examination, under a microscope, and a dip stick, I presume!

Testing results should be available some time this week?
Jeff the vampire AKA as specimen taker at LabCorp first said Friday, and lastly saying tomorrow, so even if he is not sure why should I be? Huh? CYA I suspect, or could it be me showing him my tongue that changed his tune? Still quite ugly, and no one has ever seen this on a tongue before:
I'm the inquiring mind that needs to know!
Because its MINE!
The good thing about many testing facilities once they send the results to your doctor you are able to access the results online to also know. Huh?
I thought HIPPA, Health Information Patient Privacy ACT was for us?
We should be first!
Oh well.

Moving on...

 Hubby has bought a kit to rebuild a new shed where the two older ones are deteriorating, the new one is  12'X16' with a loft, so extra square footage. It has arrived at Home Depot and will be delivered as soon as Hubby is ready. The one below is 8'X16'.

The tear down is not as easy as one might think!
Slow process, these untouched photos show how much a new one is needed this one is nearly fifteen years old though and served its purpose well right after Hurricane Charley it was built :

The smaller shed to the left in this picture, the metal 8'X10' put up just a couple of years ago for additional stuff of Number One Son's the roof is rusting out in our heated weather here in Florida.
Messy ugly now, but stay tuned this is a project you have got to see!
The pallet holding our three thousand pound replacement, Hubby feels they can hold for a couple of more days while prepping.
They, with Hubby made an agreement to deliver that heavy load inside our fence, which is not usual, as well as free delivery to the house. This all stems from giving Hubby a hard time with so many things, and so their commonality of trying to resolve most all issues were these two items.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

I will be.

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad!

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad! :   MORE HORROR SHOW PICS TO COME...! Allow me to introduce you to the crew... Lastly, moving...