Monday, April 15, 2019

Went in for my appointment to the internist...

and the Nurse Jacqui checked my tongue to see if it was a fungus, she tried scraping the discoloration off, she said if it bled a little bit, and then came off easily with the tongue depressor it would just then probably be a nasty fungus. Nope, none of my tongue discoloration would budge or bleed!!

I first wrote thank goodness, and then I realized that I should have wanted it to come up easily, and bleed!
A fungus is a shorter duration issue than B-12 or pernicious anemia to treat they need to be treated forever!

So I  was given paperwork to get my necessary bloodwork for B-12 deficiency testing, and all the others that go with it, fasting.

Moving on...

Slowing down.

Eyes are dancing and hands too!

Have to close the ole eyes, and rest those hands that act as if they are on their own!

So happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear! 

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad!

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad! :   MORE HORROR SHOW PICS TO COME...! Allow me to introduce you to the crew... Lastly, moving...