Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Went for my upper left far back tooth extracted with bone graft today.

That bone-like substance below in front of all its additional pieces was actually the root to the tooth that was extracted! The longest one the doctor/dentist has ever seen, in fact he asked what I eat. I said maybe too many veggies and fruits? He said the root showed that my mouth was healthy!
But in his next breath he said my crazy tongue that I thought was a benign issue called Geographic tongue, he says he believes it is actually pernicious anemia!

The tooth was damaged by the last dentist who left a gauze in it all these years after a root canal on that tooth in 2006! 
 This dentist removed it!

Below is my swollen ugly face and neck, and odd tongue!

I am on 1500 mg. of Amoxicillin a day for seven, my pain meds and I am to ice every ten minutes for ten minutes each time for three days, May is when I get the sutures out.
I look and feel like CRAP, as you can see...and so...

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square!  

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll!

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll! : What we have below is my ability to make lemons into lemonade, a...