Saturday, April 6, 2019

Validation on Keto!

"Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has been used to treat children with epilepsy who do not respond to traditional anti-seizure medications. Now, investigators are examining its potential use for treating other neurological disorders, like MS. The premise behind a ketogenic diet is that the body switches its metabolism from glucose to fat. In a complex way, this is believed to improve mitochondrial function (mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells).

Since an improved mitochondrial function is linked to the survival of nerve fibers (which degenerate and die in progressive MS), scientists believe a ketogenic diet may improve people with primary or secondary progressive MS. That being said, this is all very early—there are no studies yet examining the benefits of this diet in MS yet.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet with moderate protein intake. Key foods include avocado, full-fat cheeses, heavy cream, butter, whole eggs, fatty nuts and seeds (like almonds and pumpkin seeds), bacon, beef, fatty fish, and olive oil.

In terms of fruits and vegetables, low carbohydrate vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, asparagus, and zucchini are permitted. Fruit is high in sugar, but small amounts of berries can be used."

I am so glad that I have been back on my cholesterol medication after being off it for four months last June to October due to trying to find the cause of my CKD and, although that fluctuated my cholesterol went up significantly, all for trying to help me be able to get into a Multiple Sclerosis medication trial program. Well my in active SPMS stopped all of that anyway. So in my desperation, since only given higher dosages of pain meds and cannabis oil I was left to my own devices this seemed like another nearly not so dangerous experiment to help myself, i.e. Keto Diet.
Did start it on March 11th before this email that had been sent to me, which was today.

My concern is that with the high fat diet and me having to stop my 81mg of coated aspirin for five days before my tooth surgery that I have been on since 2006 due to my first TIA, Trans ischemic attack, a mini stroke, and with my family history, mom, dad and brother all died of strokes I get scared. Cooking is always a nice distraction from worries, hmm?
So I made:

 Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square!
I will be.

Oh the recipe for that delish pizza?
Mangiare! Godere!

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll!

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