Friday, April 12, 2019

Meeting of the minds

Good title.
Too bad this isn't about that!
Now that I suspect that I have gotten your attention, or not...
On with the show...
Huh? What show?
Wish I had one for you.

My experiment worked if you are reading this!
Sneaky and underhanded some might say.
Others may be kinder and say wow how creative, smart, and intoxicating... OH NO, STOP!
No don't stop, please don't.
We all live for that true accolade that comes from someone who doesn't know you really at all!
Oh yes we do.
People we know, care about us or even love us, and so somehow feel obligated, you know they do, i.e. to be our cheerleaders no matter what.
How we love that, but we know it's not always honest, loving, but not honest in truth.
Strangers saying sweet things are grand and means so much more!
Because they don't feel they have to?
Alright, some feel that need, yep those do-gooders that want always to, "be polite".
Between myself, scarier.

Back to the show!

Nope, still no show.

How about that Orange Frothy Haired Guy, AKA Pres. DJ, AKA Mr. T, he still can't remember what he has said!
This is nobodies dotty elderly uncle folks, he is the so-called Commander in Chief!
Not good, he contradicts himself in the same sentence, you know what I am saying ladies, right?
Men chime in!
Any-who, this higher than mighty mouse of truly importance for choices on extremely dangerous situations affecting our nation that he has the power to help or destroy us, that is the most frightening!
Thank heaven for all the fail safes we have in place to prevent mistakes, I hope!

I suspect by now you have met my extremely busy mind, and sadly...DON'T GO, OH NO!I

In spite of my begging spree, I suppose that was totally useless, or perhaps not?

Hope lingers on...!

Let's not forget...Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear! 

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad!

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad! :   MORE HORROR SHOW PICS TO COME...! Allow me to introduce you to the crew... Lastly, moving...