Friday, April 19, 2019


Got my test results.
And I have no B-12 deficiency nor pernicious anemia! YAY! B-12 was 1006, reference range 232-1245!
Tongue is still wonky though, and for those who were wondering the nurse already tested it for fungus and that too was ruled out!

But at least we know it's not from nefarious reasoning...or whatever else? No, that mystery continues... perhaps I burned it on something?
What was truly amazing was my kidney function is PERFECT! eGFR 85, I had been hovering around 50s, once 32, and then I sprung up to 70, above 60 is normal! So 85 is excellent!

My cholesterol is unbelievable!
Total 123, range 100-199
Triglycerides 72, range 0-149
VLDL 14, range 5-40
LDL 57, range 0-99
I have been on cholesterol medication forever and nothing worked, but KETO has so it would seem, along with my medications!
Perhaps with those impressive numbers I will be able to do what Hubby does only takes it three times a week!

Again, LabCorp came through with their portal access.

Or then again it could be the cannabis oil? Cannabis oil started March 9th and Keto diet started March 11, hmm? (I recommend both highly.)

On that note, say goodnight Tobi, Happy good night all, including me, Tobi!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: As promised... more storm PICS!

Speaking My Mind: As promised... more storm PICS! :   The water and wind blew our row boat off its moorings, but not away! Our pontoon boat ...