Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ever remember a few of the lyrics to a song and not the title...

having grown into a mature woman that does happen on occasion.

I was so impressed with this marvelous techno device. All you had to do was say or write the lyrics remembered and sure enough this thingy here, this ideapad or that cellular phone have the ability to tell you the rest of what you forgot, MIRACULOUS!
Not always though.
Tonight I said and wrote, " do be do be do", and neither techno device came up with the right one.
I only wish I knew! Anyone?

Oh well.

My eyes have decided to misbehave, shucks!

I really thought the cannabis oil was working on that, my pain is more subdued these days. It has been a month and then some already of use.

As I said I better say... Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad!

Speaking My Mind: Hurricane Helene got us bad! :   MORE HORROR SHOW PICS TO COME...! Allow me to introduce you to the crew... Lastly, moving...