Monday, April 8, 2019

1:11, 2:22.3:33?

You know your day is going weird when you're stuck all afternoon in bed with ice packs and you literarily watched as the digital clock turned 1:11, and then 2:22, and then 3:33, question is will I see 4:44??? Or even 5:55? The odd part was that is exactly when I felt the need to look at it exactly at those times.
6:66, will not happen only in horror movies, perhaps, neither will 7:77, forget about it, and same for its successors! Must I go on with this numeric verbal linear subtle coincidental sightings.
Absolutely true! That is the first three times that is? The 4:44 to see would be amazing!
And truly unusual!

My main concern is this pain is all on my right side, and every time I try to get up it feels as if something sharp is jabbing me in my lungs. I haven't fallen today or this week. I had had X-rays after my last fall, no broken bones then in December, as Hubby said too long ago.
I have ice all around the sore painful area(s).
Tried getting up and I needed my emergency breather; and since although more slowly, and still
 no go!

Let's take inventory of pain meds so far today: 1200 mg. Gabapentin so far, 60 mg. Baclofen so far, .25 Zen 2X today so far. Should and apparently it has helped along with my bladder calling me into an adult usage of a Loo!
Amazing when that is your motivation to get out of bed, simplicity at its finest!
My fear is that one day when I cannot get up and out, one day...then what?

I still have that nasty pain mostly in my upper right side of my back, where our right angel wing is, you know that place... ouch! Emanating through to the front, directly across, double OUCH, OUCH!

Who knows!

Not about the pain that is true, but about asking for your response, no one does, i.e. responds; except of course Hubby.

Uh oh, now I am in trouble its 4:42 and now I might be accused of flagrantly staging this obtuse absurdity!;43; I GOT IT; IT HAS BEEN SEEN 4:44! More importantly will 5:55 also subject itself to such scrutiny!?

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

I will be.

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll!

Speaking My Mind: Little bit artsy! And a little bit rock'n'roll! : What we have below is my ability to make lemons into lemonade, a...