Saturday, March 30, 2019

Here's the wall!

No! Kidding, this is Florida! Although, the pictures below do show how Allegiant Sunseeker Resort is moving quickly ahead with their project! The fact that they are so close to the park is a bit unsettling. Good news though according to the GPS in our van we are further away than I thought!

Yes, instead of a mere 2.7 miles away as per MapQuest we are 3.1 miles as per our van's GPS. what a relief, a, not! Mixed emotions. Plus hot again today it's 80 even now, and we have been home for about forty minutes! While there it was in the mid-eighties Fahrenheit. Side question, does anyone else with MS think when they write they wrote all the words in the sentence then look at it and realize a few little ones were missing? In my case just a minute before, "it was" was left out of the sentence starting with, "While".
Any-who, I was hot and miserable, so not a great idea at that time of the day. Earlier or later would have been better when it was still in the seventies! We had gone after lunch, hottest part of the day ten A.M. to four P.M.!

The wall that you have been seeing through most of pictures are all the wall for the resort, and as far as I know they are NOT associated in any way with our so-called Pres. DJ, Orange Frothy-Haired Guy, Mr.T! BIG IRONIC SMILE INSERTED HERE! This is boasting to be a BILLION DOLLAR ENTERPRISE! Refresher course:

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: The weather is not yet frightful...

Speaking My Mind: The weather is not yet frightful... :   Tomorrow is the day! So be prepared! Some of us, but others near and above us coul...