Friday, February 22, 2019

Life is hard as we all know.

Challenges are not for sissies!
That said tonight's blog is being written under a set of eyes jumping all over the place, so hard to do but I am getting the job done!

That return of the Beta-glucan became an incident when I called the two numbers left in the email that were their customer service, supposedly!
Both numbers had been disconnected!
The reason I called was to tell them that Hubby put it in the mail today and that I wanted to make sure they refunded the entire amount to the proper credit card!
Boy was I upset when I found both toll free on their email to be BOGUS!
So what would one do in this case?
I called my credit card company and told them what transpired, and they then connected me to their dispute department.
And that person said now it was in their hands to handle.
Within less than an hour I receive another email from the company telling me that my refund will be here in a couple of days!
But here's the kicker they are refunding over forty dollars less than what they billed me for!
So I wrote back, and right now I am waiting for that response!
The postage for the return that they would not pay for was an additional $10.29!
All due to the six month supply costing $216 plus dollars!
I may have made a fifty plus dollar learning curve here.
And yes, I should have asked the doctor before, shame on me, lesson learned.

The other phone call was to the cannabis doctor that I have an appointment with early next week.
The charges are so far $250 to be examined and consulted by the doctor to be a candidate for the cannabis oil. The additional charge is for the state health department card $77. +, and after that I do believe the cost of the oil is $50-$100, and then every few months their is a continuance charge of $150. None covered by insurance in this state. I have no idea if other states have insurance coverage for medical marijuana?
I wonder if any non-profits are available for this medicinal cannabis to help with the cost?
The best part is the doctor and place I will be going to is a mile exact from our home!
And I did check if they were ADA accessible and they are!
They asked for all my medical records and both my neurologist and internist sent them over via faxes, who knew they still used that? Kidding, I knew.
Both doctors told me they had other patients that use them too with relief and success.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

* This just in: New email states that the total refund will be credited to my card within the next 2-3 days, that will be $174.75 +$ 42.03= $216.78 thank you very much, the product came with a ninety day total refund and they are honoring it!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...