Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Who's down with herring and canapes?

Enough already! What are some of YOUR resolutions?
The new year has begun! By the way HAPPY NEW DAY everyone!
And my healthy eating did nothing for me in this last year or even years before for my cholesterol with or without medication!
Nor my waistline!
Keto diet? More fat and less carbs is what I have heard?
That means less bread, pasta and potatoes? More like Atkins?
Anyone out there try it?

Next quitting smoking is another popular resolution by now most of the world has decided to quit, I myself did that back on July 11, 2006! I am so proud of myself for that! I had smoked for forty years, please do not do the math!
Any-who, Hubby quit three years ago after fifty years, so if we can do it so can you!

Drinking in moderation is another one, well we quit all imbibing of alcoholic beverages three years ago! Since wine after stopping for a year after my stomach surgery it tasted like rubbing alcohol to me!
So Hubby decided to join me in that decision, what a guy.

Exercising regularly, good for all!
And Hubby does! Our in house Mr. Fix-it!
When our ride on lawn mower broke and it was beyond repair... he replaced it with a walk behind!
I do stretching and gardening/weeding, cooking, cleaning and laundry! Actually, we both do!
Oh and we both take our furry kids out several times a day!
For me it might sound minimalistic, but my ability to walk has been compromised by my Multiple Sclerosis, so you do whatever you can, ya know? No shame there, true?

Many other resolutions exist, such as: being kinder, more socially responsible, more forgiving, accepting of others differences and on and on and on...etc. etc. etc.!

All in all, we as individuals know in our hearts and souls what it takes to be, "better people", if only a few in the political arena did too?!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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