Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Does anyone want to know what a blank page of a blog looks like?

I will take your silence as a yes.
Well here it is... both sides below! It is moving much lower as I write.
Now if any of you think that it is not intimidating some nights with the need to fill that page, you might be right, or wrong!

Yup, there is no right or wrong answer for this... for as my biography states this is a self imposed concept of an odd career choice at this point. Let's consider why that might be...I am in a raw way a volunteer since no pay is involved with any of this! Close your mouths... the whole thing is self serving... making sure my brain is somewhat functioning nightly!
Of course I take tests too, like joining Luminosity, and for my age my memory is better than most my age by 82%, but for some strange reason I cannot seem to remember the other areas of results, ha!

Although this blog allows me to self boss myself, choosing my own diverse ideas and topics, giving myself full FREE reign without any obligations to myself or anyone else! And for all that that tends to explain a whole lot I bet!

I specialize in no rhyme nor reasoning; though at times I may fool us all with both snippets showing.
Narcissism has nothing to do with any of this, but some might think that with one seeing yourself published nightly on an international site, making one feel unnecessarily more important than they are!  NOPE! I know I am an ordinary person, who has a neurotic issue with an uncanny desire to overshare!
The multitudes exist of our own non-unique group!
WOW that felt so good getting that out! LOL!
YES an oldie, but a goodie acronym! Lately not used as much as it needs to be...
I have a bunch of them in the dusty shelves of my head noodle AKA NOODLE-HEAD!
And now many dictionaries have accepted them as legit WORDS!
Need I say more?
Geez it looks as if this is enough space utilized for tonight's mindless poppycock!
You're welcome.  Big smile inserted here.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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