Friday, October 5, 2018

Before the park yesterday...

I finally got my this year's flu shot at Walgreen's where when you get one there they then give one to someone else who may not be able to afford one. Mine is free due to Medicare, but many people have to pay. (Hubby is due next month, by then I hope he is well enough!)

So for me it doesn't matter where I go, but I choose there yearly for that very reason above.
Any-who, while waiting for the pharmacist to give me my shot I met a lovely woman to chat with, she was fifty-three years old, and fighting stage four colon cancer. Yep, the good fight for her life and living her life to its fullest with a wonderful supportive family including grandchildren! She too was denied access to a clinical trial due to her liver enzymes being too high!

Horrible for her for she is end stage and her denial is a life and death slap in the face! My heart went out to her. Two of my family members died also in their early fifties from colon cancer, my niece and my first cousin!
A truly insidious disease!
Although, my mother-in-law caught hers early enough she had become dizzy due to being quite anemic when in her sixties and lived another thirty years to ninety-six! So folks get those tests for prevention! Like colonoscopies and all other preventative tests for all other forms of cancer, mammography comes to mind! Many today are curable!
And hopefully that will help, but not always, sadly. Your best tool to try hard to stop any of them though!

So while in with the pharmacist getting the actual shot I asked about the different strains of the flu still causing it and that Hubby and I who have been getting our flu shots yearly for many years for the first time both got it this past winter. I do recall running over a 101 fever as Hubby did too, and both taking Tylenol, and perhaps that was my beginning of my liver enzymes going up with my cholesterol medications may very well have begun this roller coaster ride that I have been on since. And also causing my being denied getting into the clinical trial for my Multiple Sclerosis medications.

Then I had a difficult question for this year's possibility of getting the flu again in spite of the inoculation what if I get another fever, and now cannot take Tylenol due to liver enzymes going up, or aspirin or Advil or Aleve due to my history of bleeding ulcers, what can I do? I ridiculously suggested icing my body like in the old western movies, even in that Dr. Quin Medicine Woman program, placing the ill person in a horse watering trough. And she laughed, but said yes. My plan of attack, a cool bath or tons of ice packs!?

After that was done I had a few items to purchase in the store itself, Gas-X, Pepcid and my not so naturally compliant coloring of my fall hair shading, and this time I chose unwisely and a BIG MISTAKE! OOPS! I think, maybe, oh I don't really know!
What was I thinking???????????????????????????????? Nutrisse Garnier hair color!
Very reasonable but all natural, was why I thought... okay!
Most likely just my color choice.
It is permanent hair coloring; now what?
Do I hide until it wears out/off?
Do I wear a bandanna and go back and find a more natural shade and pray that it doesn't turn orange or another odd color, or do I embrace it? A little make-up goes a long way?????????????????
 I am stuck and so... here is the new improved me or not so great me?????????????????? VOTE NOW! We just did; Hubby dropped off our mail in ballots that we received yesterday. Not on my hair; on the issues locally and next month nationally, the mid-terms! Oh if you wanta vote on my new look that's a personal choice, ha! Nay or Yay! Choose one.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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