Monday, October 8, 2018

A numbers racket like most things in life, hmm?

I know, I know, silly me!
What difference is it to me to be concerned with how many read my hack worthy stream of conscientious alliteration, really?
Money is a non issue since I make the same amount whether one or one thousand people reads this dribble, true? Zilch, zero, bupkis, not-a-thing, GIANT GOOSE EGGS, yup!

No catchy phrases needed to attract new eyes, since even the older ones don't discuss any of my findings, perceptions, conclusions or ideas or any other genuine concepts for communication with my peeps here or in the outer world! But then there is this... below, makes you wonder, why if so many find me and read me why then does no one speak with me? And yes, I do believe if you tap on the below pictures you will be able to read the fascinating content that they disclose! Today it shows that Spain, really, really likes me! Although, it might mean that 95 Spaniards are just studying how Americans write in improper/ broken English grammatically incorrect, either way they apparently noticed me?!    
And that cannot be all bad, and Geez thanks Spain! I'll take it any which way I can... internationally! Muchas gracias!
 Here it shows if tapped on that before I started writing tonight that 115 people today have read my choice of thousands of my recorded samplings of my diverse morsels snippets of travels and happenings in our days' of living as well as we can! Making the most of very little; rather a very nice concept, hmm? Without additional hazard pay, ha!

In other words making a fuss about nothing or everything, good and bad... i.e. in life!
Little things count the most...sometimes.(Good, happy, lovely)
Short memory span is an advantage to easily being distracted! To the parenthesis above.
Practice of that makes perfect!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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