Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I've noticed that NBC in Fort Myers is...

... yes, I sure did!
Our local NBC affiliate out of Fort Myers has been adding in national/international alerts of news!
Great job Stacey D.!
Now they are actual all encompassing even our Snowbirds hometowns, from not only all over our US of A, but the world! Yes, we have a wonderfully large volume of visitors from far away lands too, not just the northern states or Canada!
It has been weeks, and I wonder if others have noticed the true college more than try, but success of this new format that is all encompassing with this station, hooray I say! Never too late to make changes. I know I have learned over the years that nothing is virtually written in stone, only head stones, bud dump dumb!
Inclusion, is a wonderful thing and much more interesting than that loop of local news every fifteen or twenty minutes!
Sorry, but true folks.
Sure we have a microcosm of horrible things happening here as we all know we do mirror the world.
But I felt that I was being taught by rote how nasty the cities around us are every fifteen minutes like clockwork! Truthfully we know; if it bleeds it leads, hmm?
The mundane has been renamed to INFORMATIVE, and extremely more interesting and may I also add at times riveting! You had me at the words, "news alerts!"
Now once again you have become my preferred news station, NBC in Fort Myers Florida, YAY I say!

I had complained way too long.
And I have no idea if this change has anything to do with my consumer concerns... I am just so happy they did it, and THANKS for that.

We all need balance and as time goes on, I am more than sure this station will find by us the viewers letting them know what we want, or not. Most all businesses are customer driven, let's face it without customers, in this case viewers they go under and with our diversity here in Florida we can have so many different wants and desires fulfilled via our newsworthy needs by letting them know! Of course the accurate details of all NEWS is what they MUST DO and PROTECT that at all times, but we are smart people watching and we want to not be talked down to, ever!

And for me, this tells me that they ARE LISTENING TO US TOO, as we watch and listen to them!

Thanks  again.

Happy good night to all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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