Sunday, March 25, 2018

As previously mentioned...yesterday and today!

Yesterday we had gone to the Fine Arts Show in Englewood Florida on Dearborn Street again!
The park pics were on our way there all metal sculptures and two amazing wooden sculptures too, permanently there in this tiny park between residential homes, how lovely!  

                                              The beginning of the festival below.

 This is an artist of creative styled ceramics that to me appear to look like leather and wood, so different, and this imaginative artist is named Lora Thomas and she is from Sarasota Florida.
 Sturbridge Pottery is below with fountain ceramics again to me unique. They are on Facebook, or go to their site @

 Custom Wind Vanes are metal works of art Copper/Brass, above and below.

 Artist Tanya Varble below of odd, and hilariously frightening Yoo Doo dolls, 1.941. 830.5989,

 Award winning artist Kelly Reark below a few of her beautiful pieces, the two fiberglass Tattooed Tarpon designed caught my eye, since I am an avid fish collector in all mediums, except scales and bones, ha, but true. or 941-268-7876, or
 Below are our lunches at our favorite dog friendly restaurant Mango Bistro, so we have eaten there a couple of times and each time Aussie proved his Awesome-ness by being very well behaved, since we feed him first with his food and then he naps under our table! We both had their lobster bisque cup of soup with a half lobster roll for Hubby and for me a wrap, lobster included too! Half of mine came home again. Love the cooler in the van with plenty of ice packs!

 Below this time is a shop that is Shabby Chic Great, Sea Star Cove they are a permanent fixture on 353 B West Dearborn Street in Englewood Florida. Connie Majka Owner, ph# 941-460-6290, email/, copy and paste.

 Below is EARS that is a no-kill animal shelter with their thrift shop right next door to the other shop above with the ph# 941-460-6757, and we donated all of our unused dog food at their other location at 145 W. Dearborn for that, 941-681-3877. Food that we had that wasn't right for Aussie, but perhaps for some other canines, over forty pounds of it I do believe, some was dog food from Gus, Purina One, besides puppy food we had bought just a few weeks ago for Aussie twenty pounds of the Diamond brand from Tractor Supply that his rescue had had him on. Aussie has Nutro Essentials for puppies of chicken, rice and sweet potatoes that works best for him.
 Oh and I bought a bespangled leopard print blouse from them too for only five bucks!

 This so pretty winding path is to the water and from the parking lot of the park where we had to park this time, since our usual one was full! We found a handicap space right away there. Could not find the name of the park though, sorry about that.

 Hubby walking on their long dock with Aussie and me right behind as usual... that was yesterday and below this pic was today!
Our boat ride today's itinerary was to Ponce Inlet and Punta Gorda Isles, and the Manchester waterway!

So busy these last two days!

Happy good night to all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Heck of a time getting here from there...

Speaking My Mind: Heck of a time getting here from there... :   From our breakfast/lunch/dinner dinette to our bedroom, I write this enjoyab...