Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Another day another blog

Sounds oh so boring, hmm?
Well, I am NOT here to entertain you!
Oh maybe... for myself?
Okay, I will try.

Did you hear the one about the so-called first lady not knowing that she lives with a bully? De-nile (denial; I know that I really didn't have to tell you that), its not just a river in Africa. Bud dump bum.
But wants children to not be bullies? Okay, that is a very good thing to try to stop them before they become elder TWEETING BULLIES!

What's with the Orange Frothy Haired Guy congratulating Putin who more than likely was a shoe-in, like Khrushchev's type of threatening, only a thought of a possibility with an oddly too easily winning due to help with his election for his continuing in office for the  next SIX YEARS in Mother Russia and the controlling of our next one again in the USA? Are the COLD WAR DAYS BACK, these days they appear to be trading spies for hacks?

Yep, Pres. DJ was thrilled with the news, since he knows he will attain the assist from his bromance Russian leader in 2020 again! So he dared to say CONGRATS, when, "his people nyet it"; Bud dump bum... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I hear heads rolling again in our cleaning seems to be weekly, when they do not yes him to death, his criteria for keeping their jobs.
Narcissist internationally are uniting!

Try folks to have a happy good night!

Think about each day passing as one less day of putting up with this administrations CRAZY WAYS!
We do have the power, sort of to stop him next time, now that we know how he performed his hat-trick. Bud dump bum... good idea dump him!
Go ahead and try to fire Mueller Mr. T, see what that gets ya!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Congrats Sir Richard Star!
(Ringo to us.)

Now I think we could all use a dose of PUPPY LOVE...hmm?
  Our Aussie Awesome!

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