Wednesday, February 28, 2018

So your son-in-law is not trustworthy to have clearance with the states secrets...

But you allow him to hear your daughter's secrets, hmm?
The nasty word here is "allow", but somehow with all his TWEETS I do believe his womanizing attitude would be how he thinks and talks about women. And his feelings spoken about her are a bit awkward to say the least.
Okay, another issue of reasons to dislike the Orange Frothy Haired Guy, Mr. T, Pres. DJ.

Russia brussia, how can several US states have them in proof that they had interfered with our 2016 election in those particular states, but without anything they can put their finger on causing the election to go the wrong way as it did and Geez I was hoping that they would find that smoking gun!
I am confused, it appears to not be clear, or is it just me?
Let's try this way of saying it...
They found evidence that Russia interfered in our 2016 election in our several US states, Florida included but no proof of the how?
Bad Russia.
So now what?
But what?
They hacked, so we hack too?
Any ideas?
From those two Russians who read this? Speak up!
Yup, they do.
I have no idea.
Oh wait, let's try simplicity... "STOP THAT!"
I know way too serious an issue for my silliness.
That is what happens when you have/we have such a free and open nation, they can get into even our most private personal information and change everything in a blink of an eye!
We need to be able to have worry-free, honest, non-tampered with free elections.

Now I will once again have difficulty sleeping... scary, and Russia uses a different alphabet from us, so much harder to learn to speak to them.
Although, this blog is translated into all languages and so maybe we won't have to...nah!

Happy good night to all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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