Monday, January 1, 2018

Resolution (s)?

Definition of the word itself is confusing: 1. A firm decision to do or not to do something, 2. the act of solving a problem, dispute or contentious matter.
Putting those two definitions together you then gain a resolve to the resolution, therefore cancelling the whole concept out!
Ta DA!
So in other words the idea of a resolution is superfluous!
Carry on, with or without, is all I am saying.
Mums the word, shush. Permission to do as you please... do not feel obligated to make any at all!
That is unless you really, really, want to! Your choice!
Done and done.

Moving on...

For the purest of my readership who actual wonder about my current health status I will file this report: BAD!
Yup, been in bed most all day long, even walking with my walker with my Velcro Reebok ensconced feet in orthotics leather sport shoes still has made me unable to stand without pain to trips are the short to the lavatory facility and kitchen both less than twenty feet away, perhaps round trip?

Everyday I find the need for my soft cervical collar to be necessary more often than not in aiding me with soothing temporarily my neck and head pain, but only slightly.
My hand brace too has been used more as well... see BAD!

My eyes blur regularly, and my staccato touches, intention tremor, on this screen have lessened a wee bit, as well as my jumpy eyes, nystagmus, seem to appear more with over use or being tired, which seems to be my M.O. more often than not lately, tired that is.
Whew! That was exhausting; just thinking all that then writing it too.

These last couple of weeks for me have been not as joyful as for many others.

But I am happy for all of you!

Organizing thoughts when your head is mussed up makes it difficult to try to make sense, any.

If you have been noticing some nights my litany of my writer's voice is lessened, made smaller, shorter, due to lack or fear of boring you with all my true tales of woe.
As you can see here I have decided to say what the heck!

I used to be anonymous when I started writing this blog ten years ago this coming June.
One day/night I awoke/looked and there was my real name not my pseudonym, it happened in a blink of an eye!
At least it seemed that way to me, and before the nystagmus was happening, ha.

I have been able to keep other people's identities fairly confidential, that is unless I feel the need to out them by what they do and knowing that it is all true.

Oh dear, I am rambling.

This recitation is going all wrong... I had wanted to say something light, bright and flighty... nah that alone tells you my heart would not be sincerely in there.
I am also of the ilk that there are quite a few Pollyanna's in this world and for balance alone I should be heard speaking my mind, as I do daily here!

So Happy New Year to All and to all be real, yes speak your mind i.e. your good, bad and ugly without fear right here! Or really anywhere! Okay, just here where you know that you can be safe, but sadly no longer anonymous!

Oh well.

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