Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Never underestimate the power of...

telling the truth.
Executives do call back and try to help, Shari from Gettel did, and she is the one who got to the bottom of an issue previously. And was responsible for firing one of the employees whose comment to Hubby was shockingly stupid, while speaking with him on the phone he asked him if he, Hubby, were drunk? We suggested he be spoken to and retrained, the employee, we never suggested firing him. Guess he was a wiseguy/mouth to her too, tough lady.
Absolutely, no reason to say anything of that nature, and of course not true, we are teetotalers these last few years!
Any-who, since we both have diminishing hearing we keep the phones mostly on speaker so we can hear both sides of most all conversations, and when Number One Son calls we can have a nice conversation. I am Hubby's back-up and he is mine. So listening is doubled, as well as the talking at times... oops.
We kid that we now have one brain too. (PS Not true.)

Moving on...

In the interim we have been looking into adding a motorized lift to our nothing wrong with our 2015 van with low, less than 13 K mileage from when we purchased it new in November of 2014.
The prices came in for the motorized lift within the five thousand dollar realm; no where near 30 K; so not too pricey and doable, maybe.
Grants are available for the disabled through many non-profits.
And after all I did take CEUs in grant writing years ago, about fifteen, so maybe.

The whole reason for the trade in was to lower our monthly payments by $100 a month for wiggle room due to most other things are going up, like taxes, and insurances, including my supplemental monthly, gas, groceries, Rx insurance, etc. too. And although, Hubby's state pension gets its yearly 3% COLA's, our social security has not gone up much at all due to Medicare being higher, yes it is taken out of social security that we all paid into when we worked!

So balance is what we were trying for and the fact that I am getting worse with my MS and Hubby's back is getting bad too, so the manual ramp for my chair is becoming more difficult, it is rather weighty.
So all this aggravation in trying to make life a bit easier, although we may just have to give up on it... but my arms are getting weaker so using my strap to swing me into my seat after my chair gets up to the right height we never know how long that will last as per my neuro's testings.
So theoretically we actually might have no choice, but if we cannot get it done soon.
Oh well.

Here again this gal has spoken her mind, so that's it for now... you do it too, men and women should, i.e speak their minds!
Next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Happy Good Night Y'all!


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