Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Humana RX the truth about their billing

I had no say in medication sent to me for a ninety day supply for a mere co-pay of $8.
My new doctor, neuro, ordered it without my knowledge for the new year at my lower dose we had discussed of Gabapentin going from 300 mg. capsules down to 100 mg capsules so it would be easier for me to lower the dosage of this quite dangerous medication if not tapered off appropriately by weekly reductions.

 And the usual cost when not in the donut hole that Medicare calls not meeting your deductible yet for the new year the co-pays are $3.30 for a three month supply of this generic medication of Neurontin called Gabapentin, like all of my other generic medications, see two and a half times higher in cost although many might argue still a bargain, okay agreed!

The problem was not only that they billed me, they actually charged me on my credit card that they were TOLD SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE NOT TO USE OUR CREDIT CARD WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST!
And this is where the actual problem lies, yup lies.

So I called when I saw the charge on our joint charge account online and that set off my alarm to call them.
I did not even know what it was for, if they had called they would have known I was still using my 300 mg. Gabapentin and at that time I was not in need of additional medication nor at the higher co-pay, although not a financial burden, it was the principle of the thing and I let them know that!

And they had been guilty of this infuriating flagrant misuse of our account before, and they do know that they were never given carte blanche or to feel that they could access the credit card account at their will!
NO! And they had been told to call and ask first numerous times.
Now they better since we now have a new account number with that card due to a complete stranger trying the same thing! HA! On them if they do do it again!

Any-who, so the eight dollars was billed and when I called they said that the medication was on the way and me staying true to form I said they will be having it returned since I did not want or need it!
So they emailed me a label and when it arrived, the next day I believe it was... I used my clear packing tape and slapped on their emailed label after making two copies one for me and the other on the package I mailed it back on 1-10-18!
 I received the -$8 refund on my account, yay!

Speed forward to yesterday 1-29-18 when I received three more ordered with my permission medications at their higher price due to that damn donut hole again, three for $46.11, normally all three generic ones will be later this year only, $9.90 that done by me out of frustration I knew since this time I was party to the order and figured that I too was in the do-nut-hole of misery!

So when they were ordered this time I did allow them to use our credit card, and immediately it could be seen going through on our online bank site that I check.
Alrighty now!

You would think that all was right with the world, and if it was anyone else but these magical mystical financial magicians who do make money disappear, i.e. yours!
The new medications came in with a balance due of, drum role please...........................................................................$54.11, yes they were now charging me again for the $8 + $46.11 that they billed me for and went through immediately last week!
So I called again, and after waiting for periods being put on hold numerous times until I got to the right person in billing finances!
Who saw that they were trying to double bill me on the $46.11 and THEY HAD TRIED TO RECHARGE ME FOR THE $8, BECAUSE THEY REFUNDED IT TWICE!
Yup on the 1-8-18 and again on the 1-20-18!
And yes they did see that they already were paid the $46.11 on 1-23-18 the day of the order!

So this article is a buyer beware of even Humana RX mail-order, a so-called reputable company and they are in my opinion, just careless with their billing policies.
I mentioned to the young woman that if I wasn't so meticulous about checking our accounts due to them being previously compromised or if I was less able to remember paying them already as some other elderly clients may be they, who might very well accept what they have been shown or told bill wise, and that they were doing a disservice to their client base by not being more scrupulous with their bookkeeping!
That is all, and now I was assured all was corrected as well it should be.
If not you can be downright sure that I will be letting them know!

On the other side of this MISTAKE, for that is what it was, a human mistake, was the  double $8 credit/refund to our account, and this is where a company can eventually feel the problem in their financial billing department with losses!
An eight dollar one here or there, times thousands of accounts, and you see where I am going with this, hmm?
And I told her this too, so I said I think you know how to fix this and she said that she would.
Let us not forget that double billing is nothing more than fraudulent behavior too when done on purpose, but I am giving them the benefit of the doubt that it was just another careless mistake.

However, I do feel that as a company their size this is NOT a good way to handle billing with too many mistakes that have happened to me personally with them for this time was not the first time!
Enough said!

Although, it is prudent for all of us to check our accounts regularly for bogus charges and be aware that some companies are not worthy of your trust with your credit cards or any bank accounts access without permission first!
Be aware and careful!

Happy night to all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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