Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Humana Rx part two, and more.

I never did receive that not requested additional three month's supply of medication, but after all was said and done I checked my bank account and even though they emailed a return label for me to send it back they have already credited my account for those higher co-pays!? And so far no medication has arrived.
All that aggravation and threats of not taking care of it until I returned the items that I did not request and are nowhere to be found, not delivered yet I suppose!?

BIG BUSINESS BUREAUCRACY at its most ludicrous!
Customer Service, I think not.
Customer dis-service, yup!

This just in: Medicine just arrived, guess that label will get used after all!

Moving on...

Tonight's dinner was an instant replay from last night's, yes plenty of leftovers.
Although, I had it for lunch and Hubby is having it for dinner.

As long as you finish everything eventually and then there are no problems.
Throwing away food makes me feel awful, but when in doubt throw out.

I could have actually froze half that package of chicken breasts too, much too much for two people for one meal... oh well.

Moving on once again...

A dear old mommy friend, yes when we were young mommies in our first homes, townhouse condos with infants and toddlers and being neighbors and all, her husband just passed away. He was only a few years older than us, but he fought the good hard fight of dealing with Crohn's disease for most of his adult life: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/crohns-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20353304
He was one of the youngest president's of Arista Records, part of Universal, back in the day, 1970s in NYC, and handled bands like Led Zeppelin to name one that I can remember but so many others that were beginning back in the 1970's, Stu Greenberg. Nice people, so sad to lose someone that so well loved, Sue and Stu great couple, including their three sons, and now their daughters in law as well as those beautiful seven grandchildren! We reunited a few years back on Facebook from not seeing each other in forty years!
Thanks Facebook for that.

More info on Crohn's Disease: http://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/what-are-crohns-and-colitis/what-is-crohns-disease/?referrer=https://search.yahoo.com/
Maybe we can help somehow?

On that note try to have a very happy good night and share those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Stu you will be sorely missed by all who knew you!

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