Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Birthday Hubby!

His celebration began Wednesday with...
Number One Son purchasing his birthday cake!

I on the other hand extended it through Friday, his actual birthday!
And he is the one with the recent removal of his cataracts! Mine were removed in 2010 and 2014!
Sorry, he threw me off with his entire height thing, he should have been sitting, really, ha; it's my excuse and I am sticking to it!
So actually I should have NO excuse.

Imagine the rest of his handsome head, heaven knows that you have all seen it before enough.
Although, just minus the cataracts, now, hee hee!

So what did Tobi buy for Hubby for his birthday?
A great card and a fishing shirt, sunglasses with so-called cheaters in the bottom (reading glasses), and lunch at his choice of restaurants!
Oddly enough he chose Ruby Tuesday's since they also have a healthy choice section with calories stated, he did it for me... what a guy! On HIS BIRTHDAY!
I protested and wanted him to go to his favorite Mexican restaurant, but lately I have been saying how unhealthy their menu was... he remembered.
Better for both of us; brainwashing does work with love!

We did try wine a few weeks back, and oddly enough to me it tasted like straight rubbing alcohol, could be our cheapness in choices, and no I have never ever tried rubbing alcohol internally, i.e.
Hubby too lost his taste for the stuff.
You see, with my bariatric sleeve surgery I had to sign an agreement to not drink any alcohol for one year, but Hubby and I chose about a year before that to discontinue it, ha joke on them!
So abstaining for two years and so we thought why not try it?
And we decided nah.
Any-who, with Hubby now joining me in quitting smoking for nearly a year for him now!
We are goodie, goodie two shoes with more money to spend elsewhere! Aha!

We are only on drugs, physicians prescribed ones that is... with lotsa of vitamins too!

On that note of now knowing Hubby is once again a year my senior, hip, hip, hooray!
Allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night, and HUBBY A HAPPY BIRTHDAY another oldie but goodie, and ask you to kindly share all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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