I’m a good person!
Now stop that chuckling.
I pay my bills the ones that
I believe are mine and only mine and Hubby’s that is.
Get this, my emergency
hospital visit that I had on February 6, 2015 at ten thirty at night, my
patient responsibility is $2,751.76 since all of sudden the hospital that I
have been going to for over twenty years that it is not in network!
Hubby sat with the billing
woman who verified by my insurance card that it was, and my co-pay was around $450,
at the hospital while I awaited treatment that amounted to a tetanus shot and
gauze pads in a Zip-lock as well as a prescription for an anti-biotic.
No one touched me except for
the shot that I argued I had had last in August of 2011 and did not actually
need one now since they are supposed to last five years! That shot was $646.48
all by itself, and yet it is listed at Walgreen’s for just $35.00!
Gauze pads I suppose account
for the remainder, since I am now waiting for an itemized bill.
Oh the actual bill was
$3,672.76 -$921.00 paid by “my” insurance Florida makes me sooooooooooooo Blue
unhealthy insurance company, leaving me with a balance to be paid of $2,751.76!
Why bother I ask to have any
insurance if you claim that you cannot afford to pay a bill there are
organizations and parts of the hospitals own monies that will pay, in forms of
endowments and other private donations to take up the slack and that is without
it going to TAXPAYERS!
I really thought that gouging
was against the law!
Please someone tell me that I
am right?
This was the last month of me
finally paying off my MRI’s and Skipper’s ultrasound, all done, now this??????
I really had no choice at
that hour, nothing was open and even if they were according to the claims guy
Mr. Charles our local ones are NOT in network either!
I might as well come clean,
it was a dog bite.
Yep, sweet little Gus, we
think might be suffering from PTSD from his past.
Scenario, he was sleeping at
the end of our bed, yep since we got him, December 27, 2014, as all before him. I kissed his sweet
head on his white star and the next thing I know zap ouch pow I have an upper
lip like road rash, but all I saw was blood even on my teeth. I ran to the
bathroom that is where I saw the horror story closed the door and yelled to Hubby to get the crate out
of the van and to put him into it in the house, since we, him and I, were going on a road trip to the
I had my own flashback going
on from my last dog bite of about fifteen years ago with our other adoptee
Andrew, but that WAS my fault I accidentally rolled over the collie Shepard’s
tail with my computer chair and bent down when he yelped and forty stitches and
plastic surgery later… so I was scared and even told Hubby I guess we would
have to put Gus down, which we never did do to Andrew, although he did die a year later
from cancer, but not from my mistake, but this time I felt it wasn’t, mine that
Fortunately, it was
determined that this time little dog little bite and it was not as severe.
Looked like road rash the PA described it and it did not even need any stitches,
just that Augumentin antibiotic (from the pharmacy $10, mine) and a caught up
tetanus shot and Neosporin (mine, free) and gauze (theirs, a small fortune), but
I am more than sure I could have bought some cheaper at the grocery or
anywhere for a few bucks!
Don’t worry once I calmed
down and saw that I was OK, I realized that this nearly adult dog had had a
past that we knew very little about, and like any soldier of war, in his case
being on the street wars he needed a firm loving relationship from his adopted
parents, and so I called the next morning to speak with a problem behavior
trainer and so that is what we have been in the process of doing.
That costs money too!
So far in these little over two
months of having this wild child/Cujo/ devil dog/ loving Gus baby boy it has
been costly and another emotional roller coaster ride, and we have now not
allowed him to sleep on our bed which goes without saying, oops I said it, and we now know not to approach him while he
sleeps, no matter how cute he looks.
Take two: it took me awhile
to cozy up to him, as many will understand and I finally did, although while
tickling his belly Saturday he bit my finger with a growl, we determined he had
fallen asleep again on my lap while on his back, crazy!
Many would say forget it that
he is not salvageable, but even this new vet and his tech feel he is as well as
the trainer.
It is difficult, and so now
you know why I have not been out and about like usual.
Albeit my lip has healed and
Hubby even bought Mederma for me for scars… my self consciousness is over the
My finger bite I called the
local walk in and they said as long as it doesn’t get infected which it hasn’t there is no need for anymore antibiotics.
My other fear for our little
darling is him around others; I told Hubby that I worry and when he had been so
incredible up until then. Scary and we have no idea what changed, he has been
sick with stomach problems twice but we took care of them both times and they
had different causes and he is off all meds now.
All in all, I have been
getting screwed it appears every time we try to do the right thing, and yes Gus
did growl at Hubby, but Hubby is faster.
Andrew was two months old when we
got him and eight years old for his incident and of course being a collie Shepard mix much larger so more damage… (A
refugee from Hurricane Andrew 1992)
Gosh, what would you do?
He, Gus, is fine when fully
Although, that first vet had
to muzzle him since he, Gus, went after him when he tried to take his temperature and
that could have been the catalyst since my getting bitten and everything else
happened after? Who knows...?
On that note of hope, hope,
hope, what else have we got?
Allow me to be the very first
to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your
blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!
And next time please be here
or be square, ya hear!
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