Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Misinterpretation: misunderstanding, misapprehension, the wrong idea, false impression delusion, misconception, misreading. And there you have it, male VS female communication.

When women talk we mostly talk in generalities unless truly pissed off, but mostly we say “they” said this or did this or should have done this or another did that, but not their significant other did it, who in turn interprets what was said as, “you are the one who said this, and you should have done this or you did that, get it? No names were used, why is it about you?

Why is that?

Sure both of our genders have our moments of anger over a difficult situation, and yes with women it is more than likely the situation itself that perturbs us, not always the people involved, oh alright sometimes it is the people, actually many a time it is the people, but more often than not it is the nasty situation itself, truly.

We see the bigger picture and in my case I try to see some good in the bad and to problem solve, while many a man, not all and not always, but quite a few rather handle a bad/difficult situation without over analyzing it and ignoring or walking away totally from the whole damn thing! Not a good thing, oh no!

Us gals, I especially, want to figure it all out, after the initial throwing up of the hands in mostly frustration, and yes I do do that too.

But then once calmed down a new perspective can often be seen and with that realization a mindset of planning of how to fix it from all the different angles.

Many men are analytical with the ability to problem solve, but when they are too close to what may seem like an insurmountable emotionally charged problem they throw up their hands in disgust at times, not always, and say its not worth the aggravation, and decide on a quickie resolve of either doing nothing or the most non-logical reasoning one of all the ultimate demise of it all, of throwing the baby out with the bath water…I’m just saying… emotions run strong and deep for some, which proves not to be very helpful in the long-run.

In an effort to try to understand the male portion of my lopsided immediate family, meaning a household with three men and me the only woman when our sons were still at home I tried to put myself into their place, and even at times realized that their tough façades were many a time just that, false fronts, they had feelings too!

The biggest realization was when our eldest was in scouting and Hubby was the Ocean County Scouting Coordinator back in good ole NJ in the early 1980’s and we took the troops to West Point in NY. Those prepubescent and pubescent boys acted not that dissimilar to my memories of my girlfriends as a child at a sleep over, silly, giggly and full of vim and vigor.

Yes, the sexes are not that different, except when they seem to think all bad situations are their fault, but it’s just what they hear in their heads, not what is actually said, got that?

And why, why, why is that?

I have NOT been able to adjust to that misinterpretation or misread or miscommunication.

You can be staring right into the other person’s eyes and still they hear it ALL WRONG!

Life is hard enough without giving up on people or critters or things that are needed to survive in this hard enough alone world I imagine, so far I have not had to navigate any of it alone…

I pray in my head daily that I never ever will.

But things happen and misinterpretations cause some to act as if it is the end all of it all, but no it should not ever be…

I see it this way, once the dust has settled all we can do is try to understand the best way to solve the problem, and if it proves not to be solvable then either punt or then do the last thing on the list of all the reasonings that you have tried first, second, third, fourth, fifth…infinitely…but all very trying or that should be tried too!

And in the very end if all else fails at least you can say with an honest heart that you did try everything!

On this note of vagueness amplified, even our dog is a male, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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