Friday, February 6, 2015

Eyes and other body parts agh...

We all have them and sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t, am I right?
Like right now mine that have been tinkered with over a five year period with a total of four surgeries should be in fine working order one would think?
And yet, right this minute this old fashioned keyboard that had been the newer model replaced in some year that I cannot remember since this could be the third one for this older PC that I do know we got way back in 2004, after our other one was water logged due to rain coming into our home after Hurricane Charley…Sorry I keep going back to that traumatic event in all our lives but many an issue with me and my stuff can be possibly reverted back to that horrid day of August 13, 2004 a Friday, and did you know that Julia Childs passed away on the infamous day and that same year? (Oh the keyboard is blurry.) How truly odd about Ms. Childs dying that same day, I do not believe she was a victim of its wrath or even here...Just one of those very weird coincidences that for some reason when I was looking up her bio one day, a few years back I noticed that that was the day she died…don’t ask me when she was born since I did not find that as interesting I imagine…and so no I do not recall.
Back to this eyes issue, I really thought it was all in my past, but alas with MS, Multiples Sclerosis NO IT ISN’T!
Shame on me for getting too emotional, but I had been warned that nothing was foolproof with any eye surgery with us MS peeps!

Here I go again with too much sharing, but, well, this is MY BLOG, truer words were never spoken, oh wait I just did, ha!
Any-who, whenever I feel bad, I have that tendency to do that and yes like with today I have had today experienced a weird sharp right sided back pain, as if someone took a two by four and smacked me with it and that nearly floored me, really! I was in our laundry room and thankfully our wooden trunk like hamper also used as a seat was there and so I sat myself down for a while, if Hubby hadn’t called me from the grocery and yes this time he went alone since I had started to feel badly after trying to find a kitchen floor mat in Beall’s Outlet that I had walked to after my workout, it's only around the corner from the rehab/gym in the same shopping center.

So I also had taken my temperature trying to get to the bottom of this crazy thing and sure enough it was back up this time to a low grade one.
Will this ever end?
Now my eyes have been playing with me for days, actually weeks. When I got my new lenses for my frames that I have had for years, again I went with the transition ones, that turn dark in the sun an normal inside, but I did pick up another six month supply of my contacts too. This year it is all out of pocket since I decided not to pay extra for eye glasses, and I am still covered if I have a medical need for an ophthalmologist anyway.
The issue is that I put the lens in my right eye which it is for, and is supposed to make it so I have 20/20, but it is not working! In fact it seems that only lefty is working with or without the glasses and then like tonight he got blurry too!
Uh oh here we go again…!

My goodness, and no goodness has nothing to do with this…ha, but my concern is like with all my other symptoms is that they all come and go, so what do you do?

Oh well, my problem, not yours, but thanks for being there for my sounding board; or is that bored?

Who cares!

I am writing out loud to put it all into perspective and to think about what is important, and sure all of us know our health is that very important, but somewhat confusing when you have a chronic ill that has been known to have odd symptoms that could all be part of the same whole thing… and you are already doing all that you can medicinally to help yourself as well as physically with exercise and diet so… perhaps… OH I DON’T KNOW, what I am supposed to say, but this is no fun but not fatal that is unless that ironically what my GP keeps telling me about the other medication is protecting my kidneys and I had reduced the milligrams since I thought it was too much, may be my kidneys are misbehaving, after all I did have kidney problems when in my twenties with a blockage and had to go for IVP’s for four years… NAH I shouldn’t go there, then I was very skinny and now I am obese, but working on it… and that is one of the problems with obesity…kidney disease…I drink an awful lot of club soda and pee a lot all day and night long… it’s gotta be the constant drinking, oh course what goes in must come out! Sure.
Here I go again talking to myself.
Oh of course all of you too…
Geez I just took a break and realized how I have been going on, nearly one thousand words again, been there done that… my problem but at least now I know how I must perhaps, maybe contact my doctor sort of next week perhaps?

On that note of unnatural indecisiveness for me allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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