Monday, February 23, 2015

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Florida!

Taking advantage of the beautiful sunny Florida 80’s weather?


We again are back to how Florida should be.

Our overnight temperatures are now, once again in the 60’s with the last two days in those 80’s.

So come on down!

Or come on over?

Feel free to visit?

No one will complain about these temperatures of Fahrenheit numbers anywhere in this vast world.

Oh I suppose some might complain; those who call themselves lovers of the cold snowy weather.

But we do have some of the most beautiful beaches in America:

And our weather for the better part of this year is on its way to continue with only perfection in its several long months’ view.

Our weather is the main reason tourists come here and then decided to move here as either permanent residents or snowbirds, six months up north in the summer and six months down here in their winter.

Oh you all knew that, hmm?

Well, what are you waiting for, there are still a whole bunch of good buys, but not for long.

Nah, who I am kidding they’re still building new homes all over the place.

But the better deals are on the older homes in established neighborhoods.

In all the forty-four years of marriage and in those years owning five homes over all those years this is the first home that we have been in the longest, going on seventeen years, and our third in Florida!

Tell you something?

Who knows what?

Any-who, living these last couple of decades, yep, we are going on our third here… has been mostly wonderful.

One hurricane out of twenty-eight nearly twenty-nine years is not that bad.

Are you superstitious?

I am not really, oh okay, just a wee bit.

About being thankful that it has been nearly eleven years since we had a direct hit from any hurricanes; and so I really don’t want to anger the bad weather gods, would you?

Oh sure, you are all dealing with dreadful weather in our three quarters of the United States to our north and west and it has been a deadly winter for you too, so our thoughts of nasty weather in the south seems frivolous to even consider.  Oh don’t get me wrong I get it and worry for all you up and out there, but the offer still sticks, “Come on down!”

Plenty of room in our hotels/motels and B & B’s too.

You didn’t think I meant here with us, oh dear no.

There used to be a time that it would have been the case when I was younger and healthier I would say sure!

We can all go out to lunch or you can ride on our boat or use our pool, but even though we still have room for quite a few, about six with two sofa beds and a guest-room. But I don’t believe I could treat you how you would be better treated by professionals, ya know?

We do have that advantage of living close to entertainment, including beaches, all with in a ten mile radius.

Think about it and get back to your travel agent, truly more qualified than me to help you find a good place to rest your head at night, since during the day you will be going, going, going!

On that cheerful note allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS: Authors note/correction: last night I made two slight mistakes, Neil Patrick Harris had never hosted the Oscars before, and the actual show started a eight thirty not eight o’clock, sorry!

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