Tuesday, January 20, 2015

High finance and other fun things...not!

Nightly I write about anything I feel that I must and sometimes in doing this proves the commonality that we all share, on occasion, and at times… but not always, of course!

Years ago, I surmised that writing this type of blog might hit home with some who happen upon it in their journeys through searches on the Internet or by topics or words, and this has proven to be the case on a few of my chosen topics. Just by seeing old ones appearing as being accessed over and over again.

It is a good feeling to know that I have been read by the many, not millions but tens of thousands, which for an ordinary gal that is just; no make that more than fine with me.

My titles have been chosen carefully, at times to entice the readers, or to question their minds with what I might be wanting to provide for G rated entertainment…I have done everything from crafts and gardening to green ideas to travels to medicinal and ills and fun and exercise, even a few movie reviews. I have been musical in many choices, for that too is international. I have been politically biased and opinionated, not unlike you, but also loving to all peoples of every kind.

I have accepted my sharing of loss of loved ones, including four legged and feathered ones and anger at others who have hurt me to the quick.

And as far as consumers affairs go I am the voice of the little guy who might feel mistreated with big business and tries hard to have all issues resolved in the end, and they usually are, but not always…nobody is perfect, especially me.

The title tonight infers that some type or amount of money changed hands or was added into our account and yes it was.

Not an exorbitant amount, but a nice little bit, of less than ninety dollars.

We have a credit card that gives us rewards and every other month we have been collecting a tidy forty plus dollars by just using our card, for shopping you get 1% for anything, 2% for groceries, and 3% for gas, it’s Signature card with our bank.

And so we use it for everything!

Years ago we also went with a card that was meant to be used to help save for college and we took out that card way back in 2004 with Upromise, and percentages were taken out and saved over the many years and over the weekend we received an email notification for using this particular card that we had racked up a total of are you ready…$43.89! Yep in ten years, what????? They asked what we wanted to be done with it, and I let them know to send it to us and today we received it, quicker than I recall them saying the forty-five days it would take. Wow folks can you tell which is the better deal, hmm?

PS that college fund was started for grandchildren our children’s children and they do not have any still…at this rate it would have been for their grand-children’s children or their grand-children’s children, or perhaps none would be necessary by then; college tuition that is?

Any-who we took the check and so now we are that much richer financially, see high/low finance?!

Moving on…

Friday I was part of a three way, before you all go berserk on me; it was a three way phone conversation.

And it was between my bank and Florida makes Blue not that healthy since causing too much stress to me insurance company.

Do any of you remember that penny that was delinquent on my health insurance premium? I still have not received a paper bill that I had requested with the right amount and next month’s premium is due in a few weeks! I am rounding up next month's premium and every month thereafter until I go on Medicare! And I will request a check for my payment overages, hmm?

Well, anyway, I was told to call back in a few days to see if they had received it, and as of Friday they had not, in other words my account was considered delinquent still for ONE STINKING PENNY!

I had paid from my online bill pay account and I had the bank on the line stating that the check for the “PENNY” had been verified and mailed on January 7, two days before delivery stated on my bill pay account of 1-9-15!

Friday was the sixteenth and they still had not received it and that I was considered delinquent and unless I gave them immediate access to my savings or checking account to get the penny or it would continue to be considered delinquent! (Mind you there is a 30 day grace period on this insurance, what? And they were paid for January on December 31st and they did receive it then!)

Personally no one has access to our accounts to take anything out except Hubby and me and this particular company I have gained severe mistrust of over the last year and so why would I do that?

But in the end and after I hung up and angrily yelling that I did not want them to access any of my accounts with me dropping an “F” bomb, don’t worry I said "effing", not the word, but in severe anger! Now “they”, whoever “they” are, are saying cursing is a healthy outlet! So I got healthy and then hung up, but called back, due to my need to be getting a delivery of my Copaxone injectable medication that they had to pay for today and yes it arrived with no problems!

The UPS guy was very nice too and even put it on my walker seat and had me sign as he was supposed to do, and smiled and I thanked him and him me!

WOW! What a difference a month makes!

Last time it was delivered to my neighbor, dropped and run (It says on the box it is to be signed for), that is the delivery guy did it that way, not even waiting for a signature for injections that are refrigerated in a cooler!

Sometimes complaining works and it did; I had called the local office and the woman there said it was wrong and apologized and that it should have never happened and she said she would take care of it and she sure did!

I mean I have been receiving this medication now for going one five years, you would think they knew where we live and the proper procedure, true?

On that note that even my little world needs some tweaking sometimes, and yours too I suspect, so don’t be shy and speak your mind too, and allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and kindly ask all of you to count your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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