Friday, January 23, 2015

Daily routine or maybe not?

You wake up; very lucky.

You eat your breakfast, again oh so very lucky.

You shower and change, boy lucky to have warm/hot water and city utility approved clean-wise; again extremely lucky.

You are now dressed in clothes that you had bought at a local store not that long ago, wow luck she’s with me all the way!

You and your significant other with your four legged pal hop in your brand new car and head for the rehab/gym, someone pinch me now, and you realize not everyone has that choice and so boy are you lucky or what?

Even after telling your better half that we have too many leftovers at home to eat out again, what this is truly lucky too; must we be reminded of how lucky we are????


Some of us must.

Today we received an envelope about our adoptee’s past from the Canine Castaways Organization info. From the veterinarian that first saw Gaston then, Gus now in Collier County Florida with Animal Control, with his original picture…when he was found...

 and this is Gus today, see lucky!

In that above picture he could have been anyone of those puppies you see in those very sad commercials about dogs being mistreated or tossed out, it breaks my heart to see what he went through…!

If you have the room and the love to take in a pup from anyone of the too many shelters where you live consider that please before a breeder or puppy mill puppy!

There are so many rescue organizations nationally and internationally of even “purebred” pups, just Google them if you must.

We all need to realize that there are way too many needing homes and so horribly many are euthanized just because there is no home for them. Although today there are more no-kill shelters than ever before and they need for all responsible pet owners to spay or neuter their loving pets, if you want more than one or even a puppy go to the shelters first or rescues people!

Make it so that some day all pets have loving homes and the shelters are empty!

On this note of how hope can help with love, food, medical care, a roof over your head and a warm bath … allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and kindly ask you all to count all your blessings and share yes share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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