Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Back to our normal?

Everyone has something they feel is their ‘normal’ way of living their lives and of course that is always different for each type of person, family or what-have –you, and when anything causes a problem into how they ordinarily would go about their daily business from day to day it can become a disturbance or a small difficulty or perhaps an enormous GLITCH in how they would prefer to go on from day to day and create what some might even call HAVOC!

Now to get a small gleaning of what I am trying hard to say let’s analyze what words have come into this unilateral conversation of mine, GLITCH can mean from anything from a hiccup to a malfunction, fault, anomaly, problem, or a hitch.
HAVOC is chaos, mayhem, destruction, disorder, mess, disaster, confusion, even devastation!

So when we as a human race have to deal with any of the above we rarely feel that is how a ‘normal day’ should go, so when a day is somewhat uneventful then and only then can we as a people on this planet feel that one can say we have had a ‘NORMAL’ day, but that is not to say that abnormal is bad, oh wait it is?

Let’s delve further into what is considered ‘normal’, it seems to always be in contention with everyone’s concept of exactly what that might be, hmm?

Normal is usual, standard, regular, ordinary, typical, customary, common, average, natural, habitual, routine, and conventional.
Now we can all see how ‘normal’ is subjected to interpretation!

Abnormal is irregular, nonstandard, uncharacteristic, atypical, anomalous, unusual, strange, odd, peculiar, deviant, aberrant, and malformed.
The explanations for ‘abnormal’ seem to have some types of guidelines in comparison, or I could be wrong?

Oh, where was I?
Yep, that’s me, forgetting what I was doing or what has to be done these days…
Any-who, Hubby and I had our version and our thought of type of normal day.
We began our day with my phone calls to order my prescriptions with my two pharmacies one is the Millennium Group’s with my GP doctor’s office and the other is my mail order company called Prime Therapeutics LLC.
Fortunately all the called in, three of my seven prescriptions needed today had refills on their bottles, so no problem, right? You would think so but...

When I called the mail order one for my Baclofen, no problem to order it but they were going to charge me $63!
So I hung up after say no to the reorder on the automatic voice machine and redialed and waited to be cued for the right to speak to a live person.
It turns out that I was considered in a ‘grace’ period while they awaited validation that I paid my premium, now this is ridiculous!
Last week I spoke with FLORIDA makes me BLUE Insurance Company and they validated that they had received my PLATINUM PREMIUM payment on Dec. 2, today is the 17th!!!!!!
Computers are supposed to have access to one another especially to all their vendors that deal with any specific company as in health insurance and pharmacies!

They apologized and once theirs verified that I did in fact pay and they received that payment in their system on Dec. 2; I was told that it will take two hours to be fixed, huh?

Well, this time, it was, and on all three medications had ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, BUPKISS co-pays needed for me to receive these medications!
Normal for me, hmm? At one point the three prescriptions co-pays came in with over one hundred dollars before confirmed I had paid and so it was nothing, zip, zero etc...
From our home we did go to the bank and deposit that escrow refund check that they refused to put into a shortfall to make up the difference of $17.43 additional a month for our mortgage payments in 2015. Believe me when I say that that discussion went on for hours with different people at Bank of America who were not explaining the Real estate bill of 1974 set a precedence of it not being allowed, but I reminded them that why now when for years they did allow my suggestion to make sense, and I claimed how they handled before had set that precedence in the way it had been adjusted, but no dice…oh well they won this one and the money(check) is in our account and will be utilized for the additional monies for the year tacked on to our mortgage payments. All I wanted was to not get it and for it to be applied into 2015 escrow plus the nominal monies difference to continue for us to pay what we had been paying this year 2014
It’s all the same in the end, since we do have the money but it would be nicer to know that we had stayed the status quo, again our normal, not yours.

But I did go to exercise today too and that went off without a hitch and then we ate my favorite rainbow trout over at Cracker Barrel since we needed to pick up our wild bird seed at Tractor Supply and then we came home, our normal…For me to argue with insurance and bank and then go exercise and eat out and do some errands, oh yes the banking was done before the exercise since the bank is across from the rehab in the same parking lot actually!


So on that note of my normal compared to the rest of the world or even what your normal might be, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
Happy second night of Hanukkah folks!

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