Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Who would have thought that a spice that has been around for nearly five thousand years could be so profound in its remedy list!

“Conditions & Treatments Related to TURMERIC

Thanks to:

*Of course there are a few warnings where you cannot take it two weeks before surgery because it can cause blood thinning, and therefore if on blood thinners I do not believe it is advisable to take it either. But if not you are good to go, always check with your physicians though.

This was the human site for it, but it also was also on the dog site too!

“In a study at UCLA, doctors found that curcumin seemed to block the cancer promoting enzyme that stimulates the growth of head and neck cancer. The Department of Small Animal Clinical Scientists has conducted studies that show that curcumin can inhibit tumor growth and may even shrink existing tumors. This has to do with the spice’s amazing ability to shut down blood vessels that feed tumors.
Antioxidant properties are also helpful in reducing the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
Now, we are not saying turmeric is the only thing you should do to prevent, control and/or treat cancer; however, it certainly has us excited about its anti-cancer properties.”

  • “Aids in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Helps relieve allergies
  • Helps in preventing the formation of cataracts
  • Used in treating depression (Yes, dogs can get depressed too)
  • Kills parasites
  • Heals stomach ailments, aids in digestive disorders, and reduces gas and bloating
  • Acts as a binding agent and therefore great for treating diarrhea (Make sure you have lots of water available for your pet to drink!)
  • Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
  • High in fiber and rich in vitamins and mineral”
Thanks to:

And so I had Hubby pick some up and he did, as well as some chicken livers and chicken thighs for us to share with Skipper, the thighs, not the livers, although I do love them too!

On occasion I have been known to share them with Skipper from our whole chicken we used to buy, and he also would get the heart and gizzards.

Just a little turmeric goes a long way with him so small, the article said 1/8 to ¼ of a teaspoon per ten pounds of our little darling's weight is all that he needs sprinkled on his food.

I am sure most of you know how turmeric is in curry and used in many Asian cuisines recipes.

Yes, I know now why I always enjoyed their foods and even keep curry spice with my other spices in my dedicated spice drawer in the kitchen.

The experiment went well with Skipper eating both the liver and the Tilapia that was cooked with a sprinkle of the turmeric on each; just tiny amounts to test his waters, meaning his taste buds desire to eat, and he did, but not all, just some. Although, more than he had in one sitting previously in the last few days!

I know this sounds like a full time job and in many ways it is, i.e. all consuming, but in our hearts and minds worth the effort.
Perhaps, if you too have had a very ill pet, you too can understand what we are doing and the reasoning why with our love for him, he is family.

On that note of much hope afloat, allow me to tell you all to have a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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