Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Soon, your old friends will remind you of your forgotten childhood joys."

If it's Sunday it must be China City?

Nah, any day of the week that we get the desire for Chinese comfort food we will probably get it.

The above title was actually opened by me, but I wanted it to be shared with Hubby since again they gave us three fortune cookies. His was actually not bad either, you be the judge, “If you wait too long for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will pass you by.”

I take that back, about it being good. It sounds more prophetic as if a warning?

The last one was mine alone, and to me I think it is telling me that what is happening now, oh wait let me tell you first what it is, and “It can’t rain all the time.”

Now if rain is a metaphor for illness or problems or bad times than I do believe it is an uplifting message. Although, if it means the literal “rain”, than it is absolutely correct for we haven’t had any rain in days, only lower temps and lower humidity, but it is supposed to rain, perhaps next week and by then we will be looking forward to it!

Still though, right now, it would be more appropriate for the western portion of our country than us right now.

Delving too deeply into meanings of things is only one of my many flaws…But at times can be fun!

Sure, that is if we don’t take any of it too seriously.

Skipper again made getting food into him a bit difficult, but we both did as well as we could, but not with his Tramadol.

I, on occasion have proved that I do have some common sense in many situations, but in quite a few I disprove that theory of mine with doing something totally STUPID, way too often!

Remember how I said that Hubby was now using a spoon and a little bit of water to melt Skipper’s one quarter of his Tramadol pill, which is the dose? Any-who, Hubby thought Skipper might not need his pain medicine, because the last couple of times Skipper even though it went down he spit up some foam that did not look good and Hubby was concerned about that plastic syringe.

And so I said Okay I will try to give it to him the original way we were doing it; you know with taking this tiny pill and sticking it in his mouth, down his throat and tickling his throat for him to swallow it…WELL, dummy here, tried this previously tried and true method that had worked for years with too many to mention of the predecessors of our little love, and he got me again! This time on the same finger, my right pointer, but a puncture wound on either side, a little like a snake bite would be!

I did recall that my tetanus shot was in September of 2011 when I tried to mandolin my thumb, an avulsion wound, on that same right hand, and according to what I read they are good for ten years, thank goodness!

Heaven knows why I do the things I do definitely wonder…always after the fact.

So I went into the bathroom and first I poured rubbing alcohol on it, I seem to recall one of the vets telling me that years ago, then I washed it with soap and water and to top that off I used hydrogen peroxide to be sure, and even then I used the Bacitracin with zinc again then a small gauze pad that fit over both sides, since band aides only have one gauzy location and lastly, you know those colorful self adhering thingies that the venipuncture Vampiras affix to you with the cotton ball, anyway I saved a few and put it over the gauze and I was good to go!

But wait this was before I went into the shower… and when I removed it all to go in and wash it all again with shower soap and dandruff shampoo, let’s say it worked before and so why not try it again, and so it did again. The bleeding had stopped and has not started again since then, YAY!

On that note of too much sharing, you see a China City type of day, any excuse will work, allow me to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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