Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Less than average ... although...

Yada, yada, yada…

I again am not in the best of my health, which is odd coming from someone who has Multiple Sclerosis as well as spondylosis, spinal arthritis as well as too many other ills etc...

But as we all say in the game some days are better than others, or a tried and true one that most often gets a giggle usually, “if I complain who would listen anyway?” Bud dump bum.

Sure, sure, people say that they are sorry to hear you’re not well and I say why are you sorry, you didn’t cause it or give it to me, did you? And then I giggle usually, lightening the room’s atmosphere.
Many people do mean well and sincerely ask how you are today when they see you, and it behooves me to just say fine, but if they are not careful I might tell them how I really am… in way too great detail!

Oh joy, what fun being chronically ill not fatally ill, and yes we of the chronic types of ills can make jokes, although, come to think of it… MS is progressive and there is still no known cure, but I should not harp on the truth, with so many fatal diseases surrounding us these days…I must grin and bear it and be more concerned with others as all humans should rightfully be by nature of caring and love of all human beings on this planet, and yes I will admit again we are our brothers’ keepers…

What the heck, you know me, I can never keep what’s bugging me to myself and this is MY venue for that self expression of that non-pretty part of my human make-up…

Today, my ill of the day is…my BACK, my lower back, yes my sit down part on all of our bottoms, that behind, our derriere, is bum, Oy vey the tukis tushy, buttocks, and gluteus maximus, you get the idea and it has been painful most of the night and day too, and making maneuvering that is walking around quite painful!

The other odder and not something I ever recall having is a clear bubble in the top of my right eye in the white of it under the lid.

At first I thought it was part of my misplaced contact lens in that eye, but alas the contact lens was whole and just not placed properly. Once it was fixed I was able to see just fine, but the ominous clear bubble above the iris off to the right under my lid was quite disturbing and without too much thought I called the eye doctor’s office and so I have an appointment for tomorrow and yes it was late this afternoon when it was noticed… but then I did Google this obscure anomaly in my eye’s global hemisphere that had not been there ever before and believe me when I say I have had it all in these eyes and I am very lucky so far with them…According to what I read it is caused by either allergies or sun and is nothing to worry about, it is a benign issue. But it did not say what to do about it other than to continue with my dry eye drops and wear wrap around sunglasses, done and done always!

So I suppose I will cancel my eye doc appointment, since the only caveat was if it caused multiple ones, bubbles, of the same and affected my eyesight and so far so good…

On that note of what the heck, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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