Friday, October 24, 2014

I actually heard from a few of you last night...

Well, I actually did not hear, I saw what you wrote to be perfectly clear.
And thanks to the gal/cuz who did leave more words and her itinerary for being quite a patriotic soul that is helping at the voting locations, BRAVA!

People are so wonderful if you give them a chance I have found.
As you get older sure there are some that can certainly rub you the wrong way and their behavior at times can be quite infuriating.

But in an adult way we must control our tempers and react in a controlled way to not to escalate any harsh words or fear of fisticuffs!

Self control, what a lovely concept.
Perhaps more wars would stop before begun; less domestic violence by the perpetrators who might to think before they react, heaven knows the robbers and murderers would be much less due to considering all sides of the situation and ramifications prior to a commitment of the act.

Who knows what would happen if the entire world took a PAUSE and a BREATH and THOUGHT FIRST, hmm?

I know just in my ordinary life of being the one where I put my foot in my mouth whenever I get too close to people or even not so close, I know my life probably would have definitely been less stressful, how about yours?

Not a problem for you?
Well, aren’t you just too goody, goody two shoes…KIDDING!

See, my green-eyed monster is showing its ugly head.

Anyone whose life is too controlled I wonder about, ya know?

No one can be that perfect, true?

Those people do exist!
Although, to me they seem like very cold SOB’s, sorry, CRINGE FACTOR way over the top; shame on me!

To be in such self control in all situations just seems that those people cannot feel true emotions.

Like now.
I joined into a conversation about the NYC Ebola case and that too many New Yorkers are getting foolishly hysterical over the case that is being taken care of safely and appropriately and the doctor was admitted as soon as he knew he had signs of diarrhea and a 100.3 temperature and the staff for the hospital picked him up with their safety gear and the proper vehicle etc… and I also had interjected that Dr. Spencer’s parents live here in Port Charlotte Florida, and that the only way you can actually contract Ebola is through bodily fluids and basically saying that it was silly to be overly concerned at this point the officials have finally gotten their acts together from the World Health Organization , N.I.H and CDC and have made sure local hospitals in large cities have the ability to function appropriately in all the worst scenarios.
And yet, I did not feel the need to go into so much detail with my little interjections and yet, some snobby, gal wrote yawn with an emicon for the representation. So I deleted what I wrote.

Again, I have got to stop giving my opinion on peoples' blurbs…I always become paranoid.
She may have just been done with the hysterical way people were reacting in the news clips… or she knew the facts and it was becoming old hat and why doesn’t everyone?

Or that she thought that I lived in the little Podunk town, even though I grew up just outside of NYC in New Jersey and even went to college in NYC!

Oh, why should I care…? I am a grown up and supposedly that gives you the ability to control your emotions better, but better than what, I ask you?

If you have gone through life with thinking only one way, why does anyone think that when you reach a certain age you would change that childish, ridiculously stupid behavior now?

I know that even though I try, occasionally, it comes back haunting me when I least expect it, ya know?

Like tonight.
Most people would have left what they wrote and say the heck with them!

Meaning the “yawn gal”.

Geez, once again I felt the necessity to not go on, and on about our little darling Skipper’s day for my main topic tonight.

Sadly, his desire to eat with all his now choices, his; literal smorgasbord with the a/d and n/d both in the Hill’s Science diets, he really doesn’t seem to like the n/d at all for some reason, but the a/d he has had a few finger licks full… his Nutri Cal we can still get in him and he now has drops that are Holistic herbs for dogs with cancer called Life Gold by Pet Wellbeing that I had ordered and came yesterday that he gets twice a day, he wasn’t interested in the full fat yogurt too much either or the Tramadol pill for his pain or the Pepcid. 

We still have the plastic liquid medicine syringe from one of his predecessors washed thoroughly of course then and now, and so for the last few days Hubby, the retired cop, is looking a little like an escapee from the TV show Breaking Bad due to melting the quarter dose of Tramadol in an odd spoon we had so he can get it into the plastic syringe for attaining our little cancer patient’s ability to feel less pain and that has been the only way! I have been a bit gun-shy, make that tooth shy, since I got caught on his canine, pun intended, but no my finger is still fine and practically all healed!

Anybody has any other ideas on how to handle inoperable, liver/spleen cancer in a Bichon Frise ten years and seven months old we would love to hear from you.

On that note of trying to live one day at a time, at times badly, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who, and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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