Monday, October 6, 2014

Florida Blue and much, much more!

This morning I contacted them about my enormous bill that I had received from the MRI people and sadly and disheartening it was correct, I do owe that amount of $1066.37!

It appears even though I had had surgery and been hospitalized prior to the MRIs the hospital and the surgery center did not submit their bills until after them!

Now does that sound right to you?
I had paid their co-pays, but apparently not enough to make a dent in my $2500 deductible and so now it is down with other co-pays to a mere $139 or there about.

So I had my deductible plus my 90%/10% split and mine is the 10% and thus my total. I called the billing department to set up a monthly payment plan and I already paid my first increment of the six month plan we devised of $177.73, only five more to go! This way I won't have to go into my meager emergency fund.

Interestingly that I have had most all major tests for the year already and that also that three of my specialists have all scheduled me for return office visits in February, March and April, when I will have to meet my deductibles all over again, hmm?
And it has been discussed about more blood work and MRI etc. then!

Previously to this year I had been only having MRI's of my brain yearly, looking for lesions for MS, not all those others that were excessive, but Dr. Khalidi insisted he was looking for progression of the MS. And the only things that changed were a few more lesions in my brain, but none down my spinal cord, only slight progression of my spondylosis and some increase of stenosis.

I always wonder why doctors like him can never relate to the out of pocket expenses that we as patients may have to incur. Fortunately, it appears my other new chosen docs do have some compassion in that arena.

The Assistance Fund site has seemed to have crashed online, plus their toll free number has been busy all day long or offline too? Any-who, I spoke with Shared Solutions, also involved with Copaxone for support, and they have found another source for the same thing and it will be effective immediately!

Moving on…

Today since all was done with my calls by 10:15 A.M. it was a non-issue to get over to the independent exercises, at the rehab by eleven A.M.

The whole gang was there, Barbara and Chuck and Eileen, including most all of the physical therapists. Hubby went over to Walgreen’s to get his flu shot while I did my exercise routine.
Barbara has been very helpful with getting me to use the equipment that I was not familiar with properly and I truly appreciated that.
The PTs are there too that are extremely helpful as well, my last one of Paula seems to be there whenever I have a question, which is why this setting is better than most all other fitness clubs.

After Hubby treated me to lunch at Bob Evans and I had a BIG meal of steak, baked sweet potato and salad and he had a similar meal but with mashed potatoes and soup. It even came with dessert, ice cream Sundays, but small ones, so they said, but to me it was sort of too big, but I am sure you guessed it, I ate it anyway!

Breakfast had been Carnation Instant Breakfast without sugar, mine I put a banana in and Hubby has his straight up with just milk that we both do too of course.

So dinner was homemade tomato basil soup and Happy Cow original Swiss cheese with crackers, just right!
We seem to always have soup for dinner when lunch is large.

After lunch we went over to Jo-Ann’s Crafts and Fabrics and bought Gorilla glue, which seems to be the most appropriate for my newest project. I begged Hubby to go into Publix, our grocery to pick up a large bottle of acetone, in other words nail polish remover too, just in case, I glue my fingers together or something… ya know?
Being safer not sorrier…right?

On that note of care being taken, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to all kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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