Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ever have a day...

That you plan and everything you thought you would do goes by the wayside due to...lack of emotional control?
No, I suppose most have not, at least not for anything as frustrating as what I have been going through with Florida Blue to cause so much distress that concentrating on a fun project becomes not as fun?
What seems to have happened besides the fact that they are no longer taking claims or billing issues on the weekends and so when you get an enormous bill for $1066.37 from the MRI people from May that was at one time they were asking for $778, but I was told that it was wrong, and that they had billed the other plan, not my plan and screwed it all up and they would fix it???? PS the other plan had less coverage and was cheaper; this one’s premium is higher due to more so-called coverage. Since it should not be that much... But when will they fix it; this is by no means fixed? 
And now you get a bill not for a lesser amount, but for a much larger amount, it is quite unsettling! And they are asking for the monies on receipt of the bill, but of course they all do...but this is still not RIGHT!
Since I then did my own investigating on their own claims site and found out that the $778 was double billed and is even in their, Florida Blue's, records as a mistake as well as the patient responsibility as being 0.00 for it. And so now I wrote them an email with that question, if the additional $778 is duplicated than why is the balance more not less, I figured the difference should be only $288.37 as my responsibility?
Am I wrong?
Should I continue questioning?
Or should I just pay the exorbitant amount and protect myself from a nervous breakdown?
Either way I feel doomed if I give up and get no justice for myself and never learn which is correct or if for some asinine reason they think they are correct?
Lose; lose if I give up the bone, in my opinion.
So I will wait to hear/see from their email and I of course will follow-up with a call Monday too!

There goes most of Monday, was going to be independent exercise. I had missed Friday due to my Copaxone delivery that is refrigerated and has to be signed for and they came too late to go…No pool either, since we cannot hear the door from out back and Hubby is my life guard.

Today since it rained most of the day I was about to work on my mirrors I have finally decided what to do with the last two smallest ones. I won’t tell I will show you during the process, okay?

But even though I had all supplies ready to go and even Hubby had a big hand in helping with that… the mail came and my desire to do any of it was gone… bad me!
So we put it all away for next time.
At least now I have an inkling of what I will be doing with both of them, actually more than that!
We had dinner and decided to watch a movie after, but then I realized it was time to do this, my fourth love in my life after Hubby, our sons, boys are equal, and of course Skipper and so I suppose we will watch it later…

On that somewhat less stressful note allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS I sure hope I can go into the pool tomorrow its not supposed to rain, although, a cold front will be coming through and the latest news is it will be going down to 83 degrees Fahrenheit brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Yep, sixties during the night too, double brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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