Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Staying safe online...

Over the last several years many of us have been told by different technical advisors not to divulge too much personal information due to identity theft or that it might come back to bite you in your tushy for trying to acquire a job or credit or auto/home ownership; what-have-you. In other words you must behave conservatively online.

The safety of our children’s privacy also becomes an issue when people like I blog about them, and so I do not mention their actual names or real ages, I hope. You see next month it will be three years of this drivel that I have been spewing, oh so proudly, and I have written nearly every single day and all I can honestly say is that I don’t think that I have told that about them. You say huh? Tobi-speak, I can only hope that was clear enough for some of you to get and not do too.

And so that is one of the reasons I removed them from my Facebook page (and our eldest highly recommended it to me for privacy purposes and he like our younger son are both quite computer /online savvy and so when they talk, I do listen). Big Mom smile here!

So hard to keep track of ‘adult children’ and there’s that oxymoron again, but what else does a parent call their offspring that have grown-up?
I tried the ‘equals’ word, but they are both far superior to me, notice I did not say Hubby their father.

Any-who, back to safety online let’s review what all those pros have been saying, never give out your date of birth, meaning the year, name or address, social security number, phone numbers, credit card numbers unless you are on a secure site; crazy for the social networking sites, but better to be safe than sorry, huh?
Always go through the proper procedures that have been instated for security when dealing with your own accessed sites such as your banks, credit card companies, stores or other types of shopping you may do online, such as EBay or Craig’s List type places or information sites that require registering and change your passwords as often as possible and keep them in a safe place that you will remember; preferably not online! That is my usual problem, ha!

All in all I feel that most all of my readership is more knowledgeable than I on these topics but then every once in a while I catch a slight mistake and you know me if I see it I tell you about it and so I did just this past week. And I do believe that is what brought up my idea to do this topic.

Moving on…
Yesterday, we finally received our first bill for our resolve of the mistake by the IRS of giving us five hundred more dollars back in 2009, and it was for an even $100 and so it was paid online from our bank as we do all our others when received it isn’t due until the sixteenth and will actually be paid by our bank tomorrow the twelfth, and we have four more months now and they have decided to only charge us a total of $43 dollars additional for the interest, how nice of them with their mistake, huh? But gosh at least we get the full five months to pay it off, and yes they realized it was their mistake but still I did call them immediately at that time and they insisted it was ours to keep, if you recall…
With our small fixed income it keeps it real in our expenses department to pay back in a not a too difficult painful manner, I suppose…

On that note of federal responsibility let me please be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to kindly count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here of be square, OK?

And take care.

PS the saddest part of this day was the fact that although I did remember it was the 25th anniversary of my father’s death that I did not mention it here…but Dad I still do miss you so much! I will give more info on Father’s Day about how great he was.
And PSS the year he passed away May 11. 1986 was Mother’s Day! Very sad.

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