Sunday, May 22, 2011

Have you ever wondered...why?

Yep, just, ‘why’.
Such a simple word with so much power over all of us asking reason, because of, an exclamation of positivity, as in why not, but think about the command that those three trouble-free letters have... Why any three year old knows that he/she needs it to use to ask mommy or daddy, why is the sky blue or why is the water blue too and on and on they go?
Why, it is amazing and awesome if we really consider its simplicity.
Have you ever thought about it or any other words that tell so much or have the ability to ask so much in such a brief term?
Why not? I ask facetiously.
See, oddly enough that can be a plus or a minus in the word game, true?
Effortless and more intellectual than most might think about for when asked why and if someone says stop asking the comeback has been, by those who are in the know that there are no dumb questions only dumb people who won’t answer them, or some such idiom or idiot, right?
And without the word ‘why’ most journalists would not get the full story I would think being a part of all those ‘w’ words they must use.

Power teamed with simplicity, the perfect marriage some will say… hmm…
It proves that curiosity is a good thing at any age when used along with a trusty, ‘why’.
But sadly some may find it also annoying if a constantly persistently non-stop repeated, why nearly as harsh as a torture-word!
Moms and some Dads can relate with the child who keeps saying, “why, why, why, why; or when we have all heard it in grief when speaking about a loved one that has passed away, that tearful crying of a questioning of, “why, why, why?”
Versatility, and powerful, good or bad…interestingly from one tiny declaration, how very captivating, oh maybe that is way over the top, but you must admit it does have more substance than I bet you have thought about ever?

To call it intriguing would be disingenuous, but plausible, go with me here…
Why would that be the case, as in a murder, hmmm… can you honestly say that you have not read or heard the many of the book, TV or movie sleuths persuasion not use it as they gathered their information to arrest the culprit?
Why, is the motive in all crimes, but of course, I am more than sure that you all knew that, since you are all brilliant and there’s my case proven, it can also be quite intriguing with a side of captivating, aha!

Investigative word journeys can be fun, just stick with Mommy Tobi here and she may take you on another one real soon if you all behave… why, you might ask?
Because I said so, you ungrateful peeps that I truly do love! Gotcha!
You see, there is no rhyme or reason to any of this… in my reality I am just filling the page with useless information that everyone already knows, but it’s my strange idea of a good time, and for that I will not apologize, so there!
And what’s fun if you aren’t participating; I ask you all….why?

On that too much banter of a deeply confusing wicked brain, let me please be the first to bid you all a very happy good night and to ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square friends, can I call you that?
But why you ask, OK and so I won’t? Nah, I will! I told you all that I was confused and see I proved my point here too, but I am teasing you all and I am sure some of my old time loyal followers know this? Oh no! Why?
Shoot, enough is enough, good night folks…and yes I do really mean it.
Although it is so difficult to say that, but why you ask?
Let’s leave it at a 'never-mind'; didn’t you all love Gilda Radner? Why you ask?
I suspect I should leave it alone for our next meeting time… so I am DONE! Big smiley here; just imagine that you can do it right? No, don't say it...WHY?

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